Success Stories

Read about some of our latest success stories!
If you or someone you know was engaged with the help of ChabadMatch, please let us know.

Shidduch #421:

Tishrei 5785 - October 2024
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Shmuel Shapiro & Brocha Fierstein

Shadchan Zvi MItz relates: "I was in touch with the girl's side and I thought of a very good match for her.  Baruch Hashem, it was a great match, and they got engaged!"

Shidduch #420:

Tishrei 5785 - October 2024
Shadchan: Bela Holtzberg
Yehuda Cohen & Nina Adraei

שדכנית בילא הולצברג מספרת: "החתן פנה אלי שהוא מופיע באתר וראה הצעות של בחורות שאני סימנתי שאני עובדת איתן בחב"ד מאטש וככה התחלתי לעבוד איתו ולהציע הצעות."

Shidduch #419:

Tishrei 5785 - October 2024
Shadchan: Yael Michalashvili
Levi Malov & Malky Michalashvili

Shadchan Yael Michelashvili relates: "I had my niece join ChabadMatch a while ago.  Looking through ChabadMatch we found Levi.  I reached out to his Mom.  The rest is history!"

Shidduch #418:

Elul 5784 - October 2024
Shadchan: Michael Yaroslavsky
Noam Shahar & Sarah Keller

Shadchan Michael Yaroslavsky relates: "I knew the Chossan for a while and I liked his vibe.  I found the Kallah on Chabadmatch and messaged her. BH” I helped them through the Shidduch and they got engaged!"

Shidduch #416:

Elul 5784 - September 2024
Shadchan: Chana Alperowitz
Dovid Kastel & Batsheva Handler

Shidduch #415:

Elul 5784 - September 2024
Shadchan: Libby Chein
Aryeh Alperowitz & Chana Liberman

The mother of the Choson relates: "The Kallah was with my daughter for 2 years in seminary and came to eat by us on shabbos.  We very much enjoyed when she came.  BH with a house of girls we have many of their friends join us.  For some reason I didn't think she was into Shidduchim, but than we saw her profile, it made us think of her.  So we asked Shadchan Libby Chein what she thought of this idea, Libby liked this idea and BH it worked out!"

Shidduch #414:

Elul 5784 - September 2024
Moshe Ben Attar & Eden Chasin

Shidduch #413:

Av 5784 - August 2024
Shadchan: Shaina Katz
Mendel Lester & Chaya Wolff

The Chosson saw a profile of interest on the site, reached out to a friend about it, who approached Shadchan Shaina Katz who facilitated the Shidduch!

Shidduch #412:

Av 5784 - August 2024
Shadchan: Chani Raksin
Mendel Pinson & Devorah Freundlich

Shidduch #411:

Av 5784 - August 2024
Mendy Akerman & Achinoam Guri

Shidduch #410:

Tammuz 5784 - August 2024
Mendy Zajac & Chani Cohen

Shidduch #409:

Tammuz 5784 - July 2024
Shadchan: Chani Raksin
Avi Marks & Adina Attal

Shadchan Chani Raskin relates: "I read through most new resumes that are posted on ChabadMatch.  I recognized the Choson's last name and indicated myself as his Shadchan.  He responded shortly with appreciation for doing so, and we started a dialogue.  At that point I realized that it's a different family with the same last name.  He was so gracious and I wanted to help him.  Based on some questions I asked, I immediately thought of the 2nd of 3 daughters of a family in Shidduchim that I'm working with for a few years.  I brought it up to the girl's mother who told me both mothers are good friends for years.  BH after traveling and = some logistics that I navigated  they got engaged less than a month after the boy posted his resume on ChabadMatch.  I asked the mothers why neither of them thought of the idea, as they are close friends, and they said: "Chani, Hashem has chosen you to be his Shliach for our children!"

Shidduch #408:

Tammuz 5784 - July 2024
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Zev Edelstein & Mushky Niasoff

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I have been working with both sides previously, and I was a named shadchan on both resumes.  The girl side asked me to make the introduction.  I arranged the trans Atlantic dating and Baruch Hashem they got engaged!"

Shidduch #407:

Tammuz 5784 - July 2024
Shadchan: Michael Yaroslavsky
Boruch Michelson & Iael Eichbaum

Shadchan Michael Yaroslavsky relates: "With Hashem’s help I suggested Boruch to Iael and they were both interested.  My wife and I helped them navigate through the process with practical suggestions and coaching until the engagement!"

Shidduch #406:

Tammuz 5784 - July 2024
Shadchan: Leah Banaks
Yehuda Lewis & Levana Barhanes

The Shadchan found the Choson's profile on the site, and setup the successful Shidduch, less than one month from when he registered on the site!

Shidduch #405:

Tammuz 5784 - July 2024
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Mendy Stiefel & Mussia Kaplan

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I made a search for Bochurim and found a matching profile.  After working out the logistics regarding the dating, things went well and they got engaged!"

Shidduch #404:

Sivan 5784 - July 2024
Shadchan: Tzippy Dayan & Mordy Babayov
Dov Burkinsky & Zahava Domi

Shadchan Tzippy Dayan relates: "Shadchan Mordy Babayov reached out to me to suggested someone for Dov, since I'm their Shadchanit.  That idea didn't come through, I then suggested Zahava, since they have a similar background and both learned in Mayanot.  BH it worked!"

Shidduch #403:

Sivan 5784 - June 2024
Shadchan: Chani Raksin
Menachem Schmerling & Zelda Wilhelm

Shadchan Chani Raksin relates: "I found the Bochur's profile on the site and BH thought of an idea that worked"

Shidduch #402:

Sivan 5784 - June 2024
Sholom Eilfort & Mushka Alperowics

The mother of the Kallah saw the Choson's profile on the site and facilitated the Shidduch!

Shidduch #401:

Sivan 5784 - June 2024
Shadchan: Michael Yaroslavsky
Binyomin Kaminsky & Ronni Rosenbaum

Shadchan Michael Yaroslavsky relates: "I found Ronni’s profile on Chabadmatch.  I knew immediately that she would be perfect for Binyomin who I’ve known for a long time and knew just started shidduchim.  I got them together and BH” they are a match."

Shidduch #400:

Sivan 5784 - June 2024
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Shua Shear & Tzivia Lipsey

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I made a search for both of them, and I figured that they really do suit each other.  So I made the suggestion to both sides, and both sides agreed that it was a good suggestion.  I arranged the introduction and the dating.  After a while of traveling long distance dating, they both agreed that it was a great match, and Baruch Hashem, they got engaged!"

Shidduch #399:

Sivan 5784 - June 2024
Eitan Tzoran & Esti Leviev

Shidduch #397:

Sivan 5784 - June 2024
Shadchan: Shandel Blasberg
SDB Moshiach & Pessia Hubner

Shadchan Shandel Blasberg relates: "I met the Kallah at the last Meet Shadchim Event.  Every now and then the Choson's mother would reach out to me.  This time the light bulb went on concering this idea, it was a beautiful Shidduch!"

Shidduch #396:

Sivan 5784 - June 2024
Shadchan: Sharona Vayner
Shimon Burstein & Miri Meshi-Zahav

Shadchanit Sharona Vayner relates: "I saw a profile on the site that matched for my brother, and BH it worked!"

Shidduch #393:

Iyar 5784 - May 2024
Mendy Ceitlin & Fraidy Feldman

The mother of the Choson found the Kallah's profile on the site.  By Hashgocho Pratis, they both registered on the same day last December.

Shidduch #392:

Iyar 5784 - May 2024
Shadchan: Rav Nadav Cohen
Gavriel Gershkovich & Rachel Kalantarov

Shadchan Nadav Cohen relates: "I met Rachel at the Meet Shadchanim event in Kiryat Malachi two months ago.  I met Gavriel when I davened at Mayanot on Shabbos Mevarchim Nissan.  Boruch Hashem, they just got engaged!"

Shidduch #391:

Iyar 5784 - May 2024
Shadchan: Bilha Bar-Lev
Yechiel Neimark & Malka Lipsker

Shadchanit Bilha Bar-Lev relates: "I saw the Kallah's profile on the site.  The Choson is our neighbor, we daven at the same Shul.  I thought I will try, and BH it went well!"

Shidduch #390:

Iyar 5784 - May 2024
Shadchan: Batya Shifran
Hod Paz & Leah Vinogdradov

Shidduch #389:

Iyar 5784 - May 2024
Shadchan: Dafna Zandman
Yitzchak Gelman & Goldy Volpa

Shidduch #388:

Iyar 5784 - May 2024
Shadchan: Eli Sidransky & Esther Carbonera
Dave Sneiderman & Sofia Yoffe

Shadchan Esther Carbonera relates: "Eli Sidransky is a friend of Dave and he was searching for potential shidduch ideas on ChabadMatch.  He saw Sofa’s profile and reached out to me, as I am the reference on Sofa’s profile.  I did research and they started dating on zoom.  Eli and I were the Shadchanim, and BH they got engaged!"

Shidduch #387:

Nissan 5784 - May 2024
Shadchan: Chani Raksin
Tzemach Cohen & Mushka Novack

Shadchan Chani Raksin relates: "The girl's mother is so thoughtful, she found me on ChabadMatch and used to reach out to me regarding the girls that work for her at her campus Shlichus.  When her daughter was of age, I encouraged her to sign up on ChabadMatch.  I always had my eyes open and searched for her.  As soon as the boy started with Shidduchim, I came across his resume and knew I found her husband.  I suggested the Shidduch & BH they are engaged now!

Shidduch #386:

Nissan 5784 - May 2024
Amit Popper & Chava Akiva

Shidduch #385:

Nissan 5784 - May 2024
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Yehuda Vogel & Basya Francis

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I was working with both sides for a while and I was a named Shadchan on both resumes.  I first arranged the dating over zoom and then eventually the in person dates.  Yom Tov came in between, but Baruch Hashem it was a great match and they got engaged!"

Shidduch #384:

Nissan 5784 - May 2024
Shadchan: Rivkah Kievman

Shadchan Rivkah Kievman relates: "The Choson had reached out to me to see if I knew anyone for him.  At the same time the Kallah was fundraising for her friend's wedding and was regularly posting the fundraiser on her WhatsApp status.  This sparked the idea and after sharing her ChabadMatch profile both parties were interested but each of the three of us was in a different country, time zone, and with a different language to communicate in.  Everyone did what they could to make all the details work smoothly and it wasn't long before they were ready to get engaged. Bh, may they build a binyan adei ad together!"

Shidduch #383:

Nissan 5784 - April 2024
Shadchan: Joan Pasternak
Reuven Leibovitch & Shira Lak

Shadchan Joan Pasternak relates: "He is a Bocher at my son's yeshiva and I saw her profile on ChabadMAtch.  Once they were finally able to meet, it seemed like a perfect batch and happened very quickly!"

Shidduch #382:

Nissan 5784 - April 2024
Levi Yaffe & Devorah Gindi

The Choson relates: "The Shidduch was brought up by my friend's wife who is a friend of the Kallah.  I found her detailed profile on ChabadMatch which provided me the detailed information that led me to pursue the Shidduch, and BH we are now engaged!"

Shidduch #381:

Nissan 5784 - April 2024
Shadchan: Chani Raksin
Yacov Gordon & Rivka Pink

Shadchan Chani Raksin relates: "The girl's mother reached out before and after she signed up on ChabadMatch and I kept searching for her on ChabadMatch and elsewhere.  Then I recognized the girl when she was at the recent Crown Heights Meet Shadchanim Event.  I was eager to help her so I asked a shadchan she met with a few questions about her, and the Shadchan's response brought the brainstorm idea of her Chason to my mind right away.  I arranged the meetings and BH they clicked right away. Those Shidduch meeting events are gold!"

Shidduch #380:

Nissan 5784 - April 2024
Yossi Lieberman & Mussia Lerner

Shidduch #379:

Nissan 5784 - April 2024
Shadchan: Chani Raksin
Mendel Hildeshaim & Chana Vishedsky

Shidduch #378:

Adar Bes 5784 - March 2024
Mayer Nochum Fridman & CM Libman

Shidduch #377:

Adar Bes 5784 - March 2024
Dovid Elkind & Esther Reisner

The Kallah found the profile on the site, called the references and the Shidduch was faciltated!

Shidduch #376:

Adar Bes 5784 - March 2024
Shadchan: Chani Vogel
Mendy Volfman & Chaya Friedman

Shidduch #375:

Adar Bes 5784 - March 2024
Shadchan: Chani Raksin

Shadchan Chani Raksin relates: I was asked about a family from England so I asked my usual people from London but no one knew enough to provide the details.  After further searches I was given a contact of a lady that worked with a member of the family I was inquiring about.  When clicking on the number I noticed that this person was already an existing contact of mine.  She had sent me her daughter's resumes after last year's Kinus Meet Shadchanim Event, but nothing was pursued and I felt very bad about it.  After speaking to her, she mentioned that her daughter was coming to NY and asked me if I had any ideas.  I came up with just one name, and both sides were interested.  The interaction with the mother would never have happened had I not made that reference call.  I mentioned this Hashgocho Pratis to the bochur's mother, and she said I'll tell you something more amazing.  You had sent me a resume and it looked suitable however once I got the DY I realized that the girl was older than him and my son only  wanted younger.  I told him we can't back out now.  I checked my interaction & realized that being it was Friday  and almost Shabbbos, I had sent the older resume from last year.  (I didn't realize this at the time & was obviously made to do this by HP) The mother explained that  had the actual age been sent, my son would NOT have agreed to the suggestion.  It was clear HP that we didn't have interaction over the year and all I had was an older resume which facilitated the Shidduch!"

Shidduch #374:

Adar Bes 5784 - March 2024
Shadchan: Rivky Raskin
Avi Eisenberg & Eliraz Szenes

Shadchan Rivky Raskin relates: "I put myself as a Shadchan on Eliraz's profile, and the next day Avi's mother reached out to me about her.  They met and are engaged a few weeks later!" Both profiles were on the site for less than 3 weeks before the Shidduch was facilitated!

Shidduch #373:

Adar Alef 5784 - March 2024
Shadchan: Eden Miller
Aharon Segel & Rivka Levy

Shadchan Eden Miller relates: "An automated suggestion was sent to me for a single I am working for with the Choson's profile.  I reached out to him, and he didn't want to pursue it, but through the conversation with him I came up with another suggestion that worked!"

Shidduch #372:

Adar Alef 5784 - March 2024
Shadchan: Chumy Delevkowitz
Reuvi Mayer & Shani Weber

Shadchan Chumy Delevkowitz relates: "I met the mother of the Kallah at the Kinus ShluchimMatch meet Shadchanim event and came up with the idea, BH within a month they got engaged!"

Shidduch #370:

Adar Alef 5784 - February 2024
Shadchan: Frayda Kaplan
Netanel Blank & Perla Chaya Bella

Shadchan Frayda Kaplan relates: "I know the Choson from Montreal, and I did a search for him on ChabadMatch and found the Kallah's profile.  BH it worked!"

Shidduch #366:

Adar Alef 5784 - February 2024
Shadchan: Mushka Lipsh
Matityahu Knobel & CM Meslis

Shachan Mushka Lipsh relates: "The Choson expressed interest in the Kallah's profile, and the Kallah reached out to me to look into him.  It looked like a match and BH they got engaged!"

Shidduch #362:

Adar Alef 5784 - February 2024
Shadchan: Dafna Zandman
YY Lamdan & ND Schwartz

Shadchanit Dafna Zandman relates: "I knew the Kalla as she worked with me in a Gan.  A few days after the Choson registered, I made the suggestion to his mother.  Boruch Hashem it succeeded!"

Shidduch #361:

Adar Alef 5784 - February 2024
Shadchan: Bela Holtzberg
Yoel Eidelman & Sari Jarufi

Shadchanit Bela Holzberg relates: "I was in touch with the Kallah regarding Shidduchim and indicated that I know her on her profile. Shortly after the Kallah registered on the site, the Choson saw the profile and reached out to me about her.  BH they got engaged!"

Shidduch #360:

Shevat 5784 - February 2024
Shadchan: Shaindy Havlin
Menachem Neimark & Avishag Orenshtein

Shidduch #359:

Shevat 5784 - February 2024
Shadchan: Leah Chen
Menachem Amar & Sapir Ben Shaul

Another success story from the last Meet Shadchanim Event.  Shadchan Feigy Slavin met the Kallah at the event, and asked Shadchan Leah Chen to work on a suggestion, which was successful!

Shidduch #358:

Shevat 5784 - February 2024
Shadchan: Mashie Greenberg
Eliyahu Raitport & CM Klein

Shidduch #357:

Shevat 5784 - February 2024
Shadchan: Dafna Zandman & Eden Milller
Elchanan Beck & CM Skuri

שדכנית דפנה זנדמן מספרת: "הכרתי את הבחור דרך האתר,הוא רצה בחורה ישובניקית.ראיתי אצל חברה בחורה מתאימה (שגם היתה באתר אבל לא הכרתי, נפגשו במשך פחות מחודש, ואתמול סגרו שידוך.  הבחור נרשם לפני חודש וחצי לאתר, וכבר חתן!!

Shidduch #355:

Shevat 5784 - January 2024
Shadchan: Rav Nadav Cohen
Meir Cohen & Rotem Lak

Shadchan Nadav Cohen relates: "I had taught the Kallah in the past and was in touch with her.  Last month an automated suggestions from ChabadMatch came to my mail.  It looked relevant, I worked with both sides and BH the Shidduch was made!"

Shidduch #350:

Shevat 5784 - January 2024
Shadchan: Chani Vogel
Chaim Raitport & Tzirl Reznik

Shidduch #335:

Shevat 5784 - January 2024
Yosef Eizenshtein & Menucha Lipsker

Shidduch #334:

Shevat 5784 - January 2024
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Moshe Zalman Vorovitch & Chaya Jacobson

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I made a search for the boy and I came up with a very good suggestion.  Both sides  were happy with their research.  I arranged the introduction and the dating.  Baruch Hashem, it all turned out great."

Shidduch #333:

Shevat 5784 - January 2024
Shadchan: Bela Holtzberg
Shmuel Cohen & CM Lebenhertz

Shadchan Bela Holtzberg relates: "The Kallah expressed interest in the Choson's profile, I was listed as his Shadchan, and facilitated the match!"

Shidduch #332:

Teves 5784 - January 2024
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Menachem Yunes & Devorah Fishman

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I was a named shadchan on both resumes.  I arranged the introduction and the dating.  The dating went very well and after a period of time they both decided to get engaged.  Baruch Hashem!"

Shidduch #331:

Teves 5784 - December 2023
Shadchan: Bilha Bar-Lev
מאיר פורמן ולאה בש

Shidduch #330:

Teves 5784 - December 2023
Shadchan: Dina Reichman
Yarden Zahav & Racheli Michaeli

Shadchan Dina Reichman relates: "I met the Choson at the last ChabadMatch Meet Shadchanim Event, and thought of an idea for him that worked!"

Shidduch #329:

Teves 5784 - December 2023
Shadchan: Ruth Dales
Dovid Sugar & Maayan Mogilner

Shadchan Ruth Dales relates: "I met the Choson at a ChabadMatch Meet Shadchanim Event.  The Kallah I knew from town, and after seeing her profile, it looked like a potential match!"

Shidduch #328:

Teves 5784 - December 2023
Shadchan: Leah Bar Zohar
Mendel Levy & Tamar Arzon

The mother of the Kallah saw the Choson's profile on the site and was interested.  Shadchanit Leah Bar Zohar made the suggestion and they decided to pursue it.  BH it worked out!

Shidduch #327:

Teves 5784 - December 2023
Shadchan: Sharona Vayner
Nadav Maron & Chani Stazkovsky

Shadchan Sharona Vayner relates: "I saw his profile on the site, and my husband mentioned that he knows him, and we together suggested it to the Kallah who we know."

Shidduch #326:

Teves 5784 - December 2023
Shadchan: Shandel Blasberg
Yitzchok Cohen & Chana Lew

Shandel Blasberg relates: "The Choson reached out to me after signing up on the site.  I did a search for him and found the Kallah's profile.  I'm so excited that it worked out!"

Shidduch #325:

Kislev 5784 - December 2023
Shadchan: Perech Biton
Yonatan Klein & Leah Chocron

The family of the Choson saw a profile of interest and reached out to the Shadchan to facilitate!

Shidduch #324:

Kislev 5784 - November 2023
Shadchan: Toby Lieder
Yanky Smith & Chani Singer

Shadchan Toby Lieder relates: "Hashem cares about every single Neshoma and will definitely help you will find your Bashert in just the ‘right time’ and with the right messenger!  As happened today, the messenger was an Algorithm from ChabadMatch!  Imagine the computer made this shidduch.  I was working with the Choson to find a Shidduch and we had exhausted all options in Australia.  The world is grand.  So where do we go now?  Someone suggested he place his profile on ChabadMatch since it is an international database.  Less than one week after taking that advice, the algorithm matched  him with a sweet girl from South Africa. As his Shadchan he asked me to make the connection.  I contacted the girls Shadchan a wonderful woman from England.  We decided I’ll represent him and she will represent her.  The couple dated over a few months on zoom!  (Zoom dates work!) When they were ready to meet in person, it worked out, and Mazel Tov!  They’re engaged now!!  Hashem knew their time was now and used whatever means to get them together using me and her Shadchan as the messengers!"

Shidduch #323:

Cheshvan 5784 - November 2023
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Mendel Teitelbaum & Simcha Elharrar

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I was working with both sides previously.  I had thought of a great idea that I figured could work very well.  I presented it to the girl side first, all went well.  She was interested. Then the boys side also realized that it was a good suggestion.  I arranged the rest.  Baruch Hashem it went very nicely and they got engaged!"

Shidduch #322:

Cheshvan 5784 - November 2023
Shadchan: Rina Gershovitz
Yisrael Geles & Emuna Pasternak

The Chosson's grandmother is a Shadchan on ChabadMatch and came across the Kallah's profile when she was registered.  She sent it to her daughter, and when the Choson came back from Shlichus abroad, the Shidduch was facilitated!

Shidduch #321:

Cheshvan 5784 - November 2023
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Mendel Mann & Sarah Brennan

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "The father of the girl heard about my Shidduch work from a relative that I had made a Shidduch for previously. He asked me to find a suitable match for his daughter.  I made a search and I came up with a very good idea.  I arranged the introduction and the dating.  Baruch Hashem, it was a great match and they got engaged!"

Shidduch #320:

Cheshvan 5784 - November 2023
Shadchan: Rachel Smoller
Yehuda Banda & Mushka Andrusier

Mrs.  Andrusier relates: "My husband found his file, we liked what we saw and then I made one call to make sure it was Shayach, and sent it to my Shadchanit Rochel Smoller through the website, that I was using for this daughter.  Boruch Hashem it worked out!"

Shidduch #319:

Cheshvan 5784 - October 2023
Shadchan: Shula Feldman
Mendy Nadavora & Tamar Breiman

Shidduch #318:

Tishrei 5784 - September 2023
Shadchan: Yehiel Matuf
Shimon Chachmov & Avigail Dayan

Shadchan Yehiel Matuf relates: "I know Shimon from Vienna.  I took upon myself to search the site every morning to find a suggestion that can match.  Within 2 weeks, the suggestion came up and everything went smoothly!"

Shidduch #317:

Tishrei 5784 - September 2023
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Zalmy Kahan & Rivky Laskar

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "The mother of the girl was interested in the profile.  I arranged the introduction and dates, BH it went well and they got engaged!"

Shidduch #316:

Tishrei 5784 - September 2023
Yekusiel Cohen & Naomi Bassali

Shidduch #315:

Tishrei 5784 - September 2023
Shadchan: Einav Peretz
Shmulik Ben-Natan & Yocheved Beck

Shidduch #314:

Elul 5783 - September 2023
Shadchan: Batya Zand
Yonatan Sabag & Miriam Amir

Another successful Shidduch from last month's Meet Shadchanim Event! Shadchan Batya Zand received the Kallah's profile the morning of the event, and that eveing at the event had the opportunity to meet the Choson. 

Shidduch #313:

Elul 5873 - September 2023
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Meir Gewirtz & Dini Marmulszteyn

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I was a named shadchan on both of their resumes.  I arranged the introduction and the dates.  They all went well and Baruch Hashem they got engaged!

Shidduch #312:

Elul 5783 - August 2023
Zalman Schmerling & Chaya Mushka Kievman

Shidduch #311:

Menachem Av 5783 - August 2023
Shadchan: Frayda Kaplan
Aizik Katz & Hadas Attias

Shadchan Frayda Kaplan relates: "I was looking for a Shidduch for a dear friend of ours, I joined ChabadMatch hoping to find a suitable match and found the Kallah's profile.  It was 100% orchestrated by Hashem, she had just joined the site 2 weeks prior."

Shidduch #310:

Menachem Av 5783 - August 2023
Shadchan: Yehudit Pruss
Yonatan Klein & Pnina Glaser

Shadchanit Yehudit Pruss met the Choson at our Meet Shadchanim event 3 weeks ago.  She immediately had an idea for him and Boruch Hashem they got engaged!

Shidduch #309:

Menachem Av 5783 - August 2023
Shadchan: Ovadia Antian
Yosef Vega & Antonella Minutola

Shadchan Ovadia Antian relates: "Antonella reviewed Yosef's profile on the site, expressed interest, and Yosef reached out to me to facilitate. After traveling from Argentina to Australia to date, they got engaged!"

Shidduch #308:

Yitzy Pinksky & Leora Field

Shidduch #307:

Menachem Av 5783 - August 2023
Shadchan: Shaina Katz
Meir Ives & Pessie Cohen

The mother of the Kallah found the profile on ChabadMatch and reached out to Shadchan Shaina Katz.

Shidduch #306:

Tammuz 5783 - July 2023
Dan Winkler & Chana Ackerman

The Bochur saw the the profile on the site, and reached out to his Mashpia to facilitate the Shidduch!

Shidduch #305:

Tammuz 5783 - July 2023
Shadchan: Dr. Chana Huebner
Isaac Lax & Morrisa Schuler

Shidduch #304:

Tammuz 5783 - July 2023
Shadchan: Dafna Zandman

Shidduch #303:

Tammuz 5783 - June 2023
Shadchan: Rivka Avtzon
Ari Holzman & Nechama Mishulovin

Nechama's mother relates: "I saw Ari's profile on ChabadMatch.  Did some calls and at every call I made it felt more and more like everything my daughter was looking for."

Shidduch #302:

Sivan 5783 - June 2023
Shadchan: Ruth Dales
Elan Leonard & Gila Grodner

Shadchan Ruth Dales relates: "I was reached out by the Kallah's mother to see if I had any ideas for her.  I thought of a Bochur that I met at a previous Meet Shadchanim Event.  When I reached out to him, it turns out that they both originally come from the same town and know of each other's families.  After reviewing the profile, they went out and BH got engaged!"

Shidduch #301:

Sivan 5783 - June 2023
Shadchan: Dafna Zandman
Mendy Balashnikov & Rivka Diner

Shadchan Dafna Zandman relates: "I found the Kallah's profile and found a match for her that worked!"

Shidduch #300:

Sivan 5783 - June 2023
Shadchan: Dafna Zandman
Elisha Gilead & Naomi Vershitzky

Shadchan Dafna Zandman relates: "The Kallah reached out to me.  After some time I found her profile on the site with more details and thought of an idea for her.  I worked together with Merav Friedman on the Shidduch."

Shidduch #299:

Sivan 5783 - June 2023
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Menachem Fastow & Iris Levit

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "Very shortly after the mother of the girl joined the site I read over in detail the profile.  I immediately thought of a very good suggestion.  I introduced the idea to both sides then I arranged the dating.  Baruch Hashem, they got engaged!"

Shidduch #298:

Iyar 5783 - May 2023
Shadchan: Heidi Amit
SZ Cohen & Nechami Gabai

Heidi Amit relates: "I found Nechami's profile on the site and was able to make the Shidduch!"

Shidduch #297:

Iyar 5783 - May 2023
D. A. & R.T.

The Kallah relates: "While we were dating my husband was not sure, and took a two week break, during which your system sent us both an email about each other." This Hashgocha Pratis gave the motivation to go for it again.

Shidduch #296:

Iyar 5783 - May 2023
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Yisroel Feldman & Gavriella Greene

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "The Bochur's mother asked me to make the introduction because she had noticed my name as a Shadchan on the girl's resume.  I first started off arranging a few zoom dates because of the geographical distances involved, and then I also arranged the in person dates, and then Baruch Hashem they decided to get engaged."

Shidduch #295:

Iyar 5783 - April 2023
Shadchan: Noach Pawliger
Yosef Gabriel & Rufa Shapiro

Shidduch #294:

Nissan 5783 - March 2023
Gal Afek & Yuval Eliahu

Shidduch #293:

Nissan 5783 - March 2023
Shadchan: Einav Peretz
Roi Asodon & Ester Polansky

Shidduch #292:

Nissan 5783 - March 2023
Shadchan: Shandel Blasberg
Sholom Pekerman & Chana Megyari

Shidduch #291:

Nissan 5783 - March 2023
Shadchan: Shoshana Goodman
Ronen Lepko & Shachar Tam

Shadchan Shoshana Goodman met Shachar at the Kislev Meet Shadchanim Event and then set her up with Ronen!

Shidduch #290:

Nissan 5783 - March 2023
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Shmuel Fogel & Chana Lipsey

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "The girl's father only recently registered her daughter on Chabad Match.  I made a search for her and I found a very nice potential resume which I shared with them.  I then arranged the introduction and the dating.  Baruch Hashem, it was a great match and they got engaged."

Shidduch #289:

Adar 5783 -March 2023
Shadchan: Rivky Fellig
Eli Superstein & Sheine Lapidus

Shadchan Rivky Fellig relates: "The Bochur saw a profile of interest on the site and reached out to me about her.  BH it worked out and they got engaged!"

Shidduch #288:

Adar 5783 -March 2023
Shadchan: Sigal Suisa & Fraidel Greenberg
Liel Blahans & Efrat Avital

Shadchan Fraidel Greenberg relates: "The mother found the Bochur in a search on the site.  I reached out to the Shadchan listed on his profile, Sigal Suisa, to work on the Shidduch.  Boruch Hashem they got engaged!"

Shidduch #287:

Adar 5783 -March 2023
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Yossi Grossman & Fraida Blau

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I have previously worked with both sides.  I was named as a shadchan on both of their resumes.  The girls side asked me to approach the boys side.  I arranged the introduction and the dating.  Baruch Hashem, it went very well and it ended up with an engagement."

Shidduch #286:

Adar 5783 -March 2023
Shadchan: Esther Raskin

The day the Kallah registered, the Choson saw her profile, and within 6 weeks they were engaged!

Shidduch #285:

Adar 5783 - March 2023
Shadchan: Sara Leah Rubenstein
Yishai Mahan & Chana Lerner

Shadchan Sara Leah Rubenstein relates: "I met Chana at a ChabadMatch event and Yishai I met at a friend's Shabbos table.  BH they matched!"

Shidduch #284:

Adar 5783 - February 2023
Shadchan: Yehudis Abramowitz
David Wexelman & Sara Thomas

Sarah relates: "The morning after registering on the site, I was contacted by Shadchan Yehudis Abramowitz about meeting Dovid!

Shidduch #283:

Adar 5783 - February 2023
Shadchan: Heidi Amit
Meir Moshe & Sara Musafi

Shadchan Heidi Amit relates: "I reviewed their profiles on the site and it worked out!" Meir got married less than 4 months after registering on the site.

Shidduch #282:

Shevat 5783 - February 2023
Shadchan: Lea Suisa
Daniel Nagar & Shilat Moshe

Shadchan Lea Suisa relates: "The Kallah reached out to me 2.5 months ago and I started searching for her.  I saw a new profile on ChabadMatch that looked like a match, I suggested it, and BH they got engaged!"

Shidduch #281:

Shevat 5783 - February 2023
Shadchan: Moishe Raitman

Shadchan Moishe Raitman relates: "I was recommended by a fellow shadchan to mentor a girl in the ChabadMatch database who had been dating for a number of years.  After close analysis and introspection, the girl decided it may be advantageous  to reconsider a bochur who she had dated 2-3 years prior.  The Bochur was also listed on the Chabad List and very wisely it was decided by both sides that I should facilitate the dating process and mentor both parties simultaneously.  Boruch Hashem, I was able to guide both of them to be able to celebrate their LChaim recently."

Shidduch #280:

Shevat 5783 - February 2023
Shadchan: Fraidel Greenberg
Eli Moskoff & Tehila Avni

Shadchan Fraidel Greenberg relates: "A special Bet Shemesh Shiduch.  Both Choson and Kalla are from Beit Shemesh.  I, also from Beit Shemesh, met them via their profiles on the site, which is also based in Beit Shemesh.  I suggested the Shidduch, and after happening to see each other in a gas station, also in Bet Shemesh, they decided to move forward!"

Shidduch #279:

Shevat 5783 - February 2023
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Mendel Engel & Leah Banda

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I was working with both sides recently and the girl's father noticed my name as a Shadchan on the boy's resume.  He asked me to be the Shadchan for the introduction and the Shadchan for the dating.  We first started off with a couple of zoom dates which went well and then I arranged the in-person dates.  Baruch Hashem after a period of time they all realized that it was a good match and they got engaged!"

Shidduch #278:

Shevat 5783 - February 2023
Shadchan: Devori Kok

Shadchan Devori Kok relates: The Bochur registered on ChabadMatch 2 months ago, and Fraydel Greenberg suggested I think of an idea for him. I met a girl at a Farbrengen that looked like a match, and they just got engaged!

Shidduch #277:

Shevat 5783 - February 2023
Shadchan: Rina Gershovitz
Levi Goldberg & DL Leviev

Shadchan Rina Gershovitz relates: "I attended the Kislev Meet Shadchanim Event in Kfar Habad.  I overheard a girl who was meeting Shadchan Shoshana Goodman mention her name.  I apologized for interrupting and asked if she could stop by to meet me when she was done.  By Hashgacha Pratis in the previous week, my brother-in-law (Shadchan Elimelech Gershovitz) had mentioned your name and asked if I had an idea.  Last night I thought of an idea, and now that we are meeting in person I believe it is worth pursuing.  It's a Mazal that I overheard you mentioning your name.  On Tu B'Shevat they got engaged!"

Shidduch #276:

Shevat 5783 - February 2023
Shadchan: Yael Michelashvili
Yosef Sherman & Sara Goodman

Shadchan Yael Michalshvili relates: "I met with Yossi at the Shidduch House.  Previously I came across Sara’s profile on Chabad Match. Baruch Hashem they went to the Ohel tonight."

Shidduch #275:

Shevat 5783 - February 2023
Shadchan: LY Galant & Bruria Breiman
SZ Foigel & Bracha Rochel Holzberg

The mother of the Choson ran a search on ChabadMatch, found a profile of interest, and Boruch Hashem the Shidduch was made!

Shidduch #274:

Shevat 5783 - January 2023
Shadchan: Rachel Babai
Yosef Elias & Maayan Daka

The Kallah attended a ChabadMatch Meet Shadchanim Event where Shadchan Rachel Babai was able to get to meet in her person.  The Choson registered on the site 4 weeks ago, Shadchan Rache Babai made the suggestion, and after he reviewed her profile on the site, went forward with the successful Shidduch!

Shidduch #273:

Shevat 5783 - January 2023
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Avraham Ross & Sarale Pevzner

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I noticed the girl's resume and realized that she would make a nice match with this boy.  I then arranged to swap resumes arranged the meetings and Baruch Hashem it all worked out nicely ending in an engagement."

Shidduch #272:

Shevat 5783 - January 2023
Shadchan: Faige Lobel
Dan Stern & Rivkah Friedman

Rivkah met with Shadchan Faige Lobel to review profiles on the site. Dan's profile came up, they were setup and BH got engaged less than two months from when she registered!

Shidduch #271:

Teves 5783 - January 2023
Shadchan: Sharona Vayner
Oren Tuito and Avishag Gahasi

Shadchan Sharona Vayner shares: "I was searching for many years for my friend.  Every time a relevant profile came up on the site I would check.  When Oren's profile appeared, he replied that he was in 770 for Chanuka.  My friend was also traveling there, so they went out in NY.  Boruch Hashem after almost a year of searching he was her match!:

Shidduch #270:

Teves 5783 - January 2023
Shadchan: Yael Michelashvili
SZ Notik & Yasmin Triaster

Shadchan Yael Michashvili relates: "The Choson reached out to me, and in a search on ChabadMatch I found the Kallah.  Boruch Hashem it worked out and they got engaged!"

Shidduch #269:

Teves 5783 - December 2022
Shadchan: Noach Pawliger
Zev Feller & Adar Curiel

Shidduch #268:

Teves 5783 - December 2022
Rus Kinn & Yossi Moscowitz

Shadchan Rus Kinn shares: "Close to a year and a half ago the kallah's side decided to go ahead with a match I suggested for their daughter, with one of the ChabadMatch singles I had been working with. 

They met and then both needed to travel. 

The Shidduch was recently picked up again and B"H they got engaged!"

Shidduch #267:

Kislev 5783 - December 2022

The Choson's parents reviewed the profile several times on the site.  It looked like a match and Boruch Hashem they got engaged!

Shidduch #266:

Kislev 5783 - December 2022
Shadchan: Rachel Babai
Eyal Bar-Gil & Shani Levi

Shadchan Rachel Babai relates: "I reached out to the Kallah when she registered on the site.  Shortly thereafter I was able to make a Shiduch for her."

Shidduch #265:

Kislev 5783 - November 2022
Shadchan: Rochel Smoller
Iehiel Moscovich & Chana Brocha Kagan

Shadchan Rochel Smoller relates: "Pnina the mother has been very vigilant about combing thru Chabadmatch profiles.  A little while ago she shared 3 profiles with me from ChabadMatch.  We both agreed that the Chossen was a really good idea and BH that’s how it came about!"

Shidduch #264:

Cheshvan 5783 - November 2022
Yisrael Cohen & Hadas Gilo

Yisrael saw a new profile of interest on the site, and the Shidduch was arranged after reaching out to references.

Shidduch #263:

Cheshvan 5783 - November 2022
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Chaim Bondar & Sarah Zaitsev

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "The girl's mother was interested in a resume that was on the site.  She noticed my name as a named shadchan on the boy's profile.  She contacted me and asked me to introduce the shidduch idea.  I arranged the dating in America and Eretz Yisroel and Baruch Hashem it all worked out very nicely ending in an engagement."

Shidduch #262:

Cheshvan 5783 - November 2022
Shadchan: Rivky Raskin
Aaron Carlebach & Minna Samuels

Shadchan Rivky Raskin found Aaron's profile on the site, reached out to his mother, and was able to make the Shidduch!

Shidduch #261:

Cheshvan 5783 - November 2022
Shadchan: Rivky Raskin
Yossi Zippori & Chaya Dray

Shadchan Rivky Raskin relates: "I saw Yossi's profile on Chabadmatch and I was already in touch with the girl's side.  I got in touch with the mother and then her son.  They gave off very similar energies, so I sent each other their profiles and they agreed to go out and B”H they are now engaged!"

Shidduch #260:

Cheshvan 5783 - November 2022
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Schneur Rubinson & Chaya Moses

The Kallah was on the site for many years but just after the Choson joined, Shadchan Zvi Mitz found their compatibility on ChabadMatch and was able to make the Shidduch! 

Shidduch #259:

Tishrei 5783 - October 2022
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "The girl's mother had asked me to approach the boy's mother.  Because of the distances involved and work commitments from both sides it was quite tricky.  But Baruch Hashem I managed to set up a few dates it all went very well."

Shidduch #258:

Tishrei 5783 - October 2022
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
SZ Ehven & Bailey Belson

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "The Bochur's mother had noticed that my name was mentioned on the girl's profile as her Shadchan and asked me to be the Shadchan for the introduction and the Shadchan for the dating. Baruch Hashem it was a pleasure to work with both of them and it all worked out so nicely." The Bochur got engaged 3 weeks after registering on the site!

Shidduch #257:

Tishrei 5783 - September 2022
Kfir Balass & Yuval Neeman

The Kallah shared with us: "I got married on Chai Elul via the site!  The site sent me a suggestion by email that could be relevant, and I checked with references.  Thank G-d, it worked out!"

Shidduch #256:

Elul 5782 - September 2022
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Chaim Polter and Hoda Rachel Lakher

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I had been working with both sides previously on different suggestions and both of those suggestions did not materialize.  When reviewing their profiles on the site, I thought that really these two resumes do go together.  So I introduced the shidduch to both sides and Baruch Hashem it was really a good idea!"

Shidduch #255:

Elul 5782 - September 2022

Choson relates: "I received a suggestion, the profile on ChabadMatch was helpful in reviewing that it was relevant and proceeding forward.  Boruch Hashem we got engaged!"

Shidduch #254:

Menachem Av 5782 - August 2022
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

Shadchan Shandel Blassberg relates: "I met the Choson four years ago at a ChabadMatch Meet Shadchanim Event.  In Iyar, at the most recent Meet Shadchanim Event, I met the Kallah, after seeing her profile previously on the site.  Having the chance to see her in person made me realize that she was a great match for the Bochur.  Boruch Hashem, it worked and they just got engaged!"

Shidduch #253:

Menachem Av 5782 - August 2022
Shadchan: Sara Leah Rubenstein
Yossi Suares & Yehudis Hecht

Shadchan Sara Leah Rubenstein relates: "I met Yehudis at the Chabadmatch Crown Heights gathering this past May.  Yehudis heard about Yossi via a friend and Boruch Hashem after going out, they successfully got engaged!"

Shidduch #252:

Sivan 5782 - June 2022
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I was working over a few ideas with this particular Bochur for quite a time.  I then suggested another idea for him.  He had initial interest, so I then approached the other side and they were also keen.  I set up a few dates and Baruch Hashem they ended up getting engaged."

Shidduch #251:

Iyar 5782 - May 2022

Shadchan Chana Huebner relates: "They were both open to the idea when the profiles were presented to them.  He was in Israel, so they did a couple of video chats and then when he came to the States he met her, and Boruch Hashem got engaged!

Shidduch #250:

Iyar 5782 - May 2022
Shadchan: Chani Huebner

The father of the Choson relates: "The profiles were extremely helpful. I am not sure how we would have been able to go about the process without Chabadmatch."

Shidduch #249:

Nissan 5782 - April 2022

The Chosson relates: "I ran a search on the site and saw a profile of interest.  The Shidduch was setup after we spoke to reference and we Boruch Hashem got engaged!"

Shidduch #248:

Nissan 5782 - April 2022
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I was working with the girl's mother on the site for a bit of time, and I knew about the Bochur.  I figured this could well be a potential match.  I made the suggestion and BH it all really worked out nicely!"

Shidduch #247:

Adar Beis 5782 - April 2022
Shadchan: Sarah Yarmush
Chananya Niasoff and Shaina Ceitlin

Shadchan Sarah Yarmush relates: "I met a Shlucha at the Kinus Meet Shadchanim event at the Kinus who told me about her daughter.  The profiles looked like a match and they just got engaged!  The events really make a difference."

Shidduch #246:

Adar Beis 5782 - March 2022
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "A young gentleman on the site asked me to approach another young lady on the site.  It first started off long-distance with zoom, but eventually, they met and Baruch Hashem it was a great match!"

Shidduch #245:

Adar Beis 5782 - March 2022
Shadchan: Noach Pawliger
Mendy Rapoport and Lakey Kulek

Shadchan Noach Pawliger flew in from Atlanta especially for the Kinus HaShluchos Meet Shadchanim event.  He knew Mendy previously and met Lakey's mother at the event and Boruch Hashem successfully set them up!

Shidduch #244:

Adar Beis 5782 - March 2022
Shadchan: Elimelech Gershowitz
Yeshaya Lieder and Sara Cohen

The first succssful Shidduch from the Meet Shadchanim Event in Shevat! Shadchan Elimelech Gershowitz met the mother and Kallah at the event and made the suggestion which worked out!

Shidduch #243:

Adar Beis 5782 - March 2022
Shadchan: Dassie Kramer

Shadchan Dassie Kramer relates: "I received a phone call from a single overseas looking for a Shidduch.  I searched on ChabadMatch and suggested one match, they went out, but it didn't work out.  I then did a 2nd search which Bourch Hashem led to a successful match! 

Shidduch #242:

Adar Beis 5782 - March 2022
Shadchan: Dassie Kramer
Dovid Kaplan and Miri Blesosky

Shadchan Dassie Kramer relates: "The Chosson reached out to me looking for a Shidduch.  I ran a  search on ChabadMatch and found a profile that looked relevant.  They went out and shortly thereafter got engaged!"

Shidduch #241:

Adar Alef 5782 - February 2022
Shadchan: Rochel Smoller
Simcha Friend and Shayah Dinerman

Shadchan Rochel Smoller relates: "The day his profile came out on Chabadmatch, I contacted my brother for his daughter, and Boruch Hashem it was smooth sailing from there!!

Shidduch #240:

Adar Alef 5782 - February 2022
Shadchan: Shula Feldman
Mendel Namdar and Sheina Edelman

Shadchan Shula Feldman relates: "I was in touch with the mother of the Bochur and she asked me to look for a Chassidishe girl that knows Yiddish.  I searched on the site, and sent 2 or 3 profiles that seemed appropriate.  After a few months, we arranged the Shidduch with the girl that was a perfect match!!!

Shidduch #239:

Shevat 5782 - January 2022
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz
Eli Zavdi and Adina Schwartz

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "Her mother saw the boy's resume on ChabadMatch, and asked me to approach.  Because of the long distances involved, it took a bit of time to arrange the logistics.  Baruch Hashem, they finally met and it was a great match!"

Shidduch #238:

Shevat 5782 - January 2022
Shadchan: Chani Raksin

Shadchan Chani Raksin relates: "The Kallah's family are Shluchim in a very distant location and this is their oldest child so this is their first experience in Shidduchim, and I took upon myself to give her extra support and said I would love to make her Shidduch - those words proved to be very powerful.  The Chosson had contacted me 3.5 years ago about helping his older older siblings find a Shidduch.  When I kept asking about his Shiduch he told me he was not in Shidduchim.  When reviewing profiles, I saw his profile on ChabadMatch, I reached out to him and said if you're profile is on ChabadMatch you must be ready now.  I made the suggestion, it took some convincing, and when he traveled to NY for a wedding, they went out.  Long distance dating presented challenges but with my coaching & guiding they BH got to the finish line!  The father of the Choson told his son we now see that Shadchanim have Ruach Hakodesh, because any suggestion made by friends and family didn't work, and my suggestion which was the first time he dated through a Shadchan did. They had doubts, but I insisted that I saw it and they clicked BH.  It's important to stress the importance of meeting Shadchanim in person, because this helped me be assured that the match was Shayach."

Shidduch #237:

Shevat 5781 - January 2022
Moshe Kamensky & Yael Gollub

The Kallah relates: "I registered on ChabadMatch on Tisha B'Av, and printed three profiles that were of interest.  One particularly looked like a match, and I had a friend do some reference checking.  By Hashgacha Pratis he had just returned from Israel, and by Tu B'Av we scheduled a phone call which was supposed to be 20 minutes but lasted two hours.  By the first week of Elul, a few days before my birthday, we got engaged, only three weeks after I registered on the site!"

Shidduch #236:

Teves 5782 - December 2021
Yonatan Gordon & Sasha Friedman

Sasha relates: "When I first started my dating journey, I had a more passive approach.  At some point, I realized that I needed to put myself out there more.  So I did the scary thing and started to be vulnerable, to take risks, and to show the world who I really was.  I made videos encouraging singles, even though I was super nervous about showing up on camera.  I opened up about my dating life, even though it also opened me up to criticism.  Unbeknownst to me, Yonasan was also inspired by my posts to be vulnerable.  He wrote a vulnerable post that I connected to. Yonasan reached out to me, asking me if it was hard for people to understand me when I was dating.  One thing led to another, and I offered to help him edit his dating profile on ChabadMatch.  Reading through his resume, I couldn’t help but think he was exactly what I was looking for, and he was looking for someone like me.  In my effort to help others, I had found my person."

Shidduch #235:

Teves 5782 - December 2021
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I was in touch with the Bochur for a while. After some time I noticed the girl's ChabadMatch profile.  The arrangements and circumstances seemed like a good match, and Baruch Hashem it was a great match!

Shidduch #234:

Teves 5782 - December 2021
Shadchan: Libby Chein

Shadchan Libby Chein met the Kallah's mother at the Kinus Meet Shadchanim event two years ago, and following that was able to set the couple up. 

Shidduch #233:

Teves 5782 - December 2021
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "The girl's mother saw the boy's profile on the site and asked me to approach them.  I made the introduction and Boruch Hashem they met and it all worked nicely!"

Shidduch #232:

Teves 5782 - December 2021
Shadchan: Dassi Kramer

Shadchan Dassi Kramer relates: "I saw the Bochur's profile on ChabadMatch and based on his professional studies, I suggested a girl in a similar field.  They went out and decided to take a break.  After six months they tried again and got engaged!"

Shidduch #231:

Teves 5782 - December 2021
Shadchan: Laurie Young

Shadchan Laurie Young relates: "Yeah!  A new engagement.I was able to be Hashem's messenger to facilitate the match by seeing the woman's profile on and setting her up with my client.  Mazel tov!!!!!"

Shidduch #230:

Teves 5782 - December 2021

The Choson relates: "I looked up her profile when the name came up.  The profile looked like a match, and Boruch Hashem it was!"

Shidduch #229:

Teves 5782 - December 2021
Shadchan: Dassi Kramer

The Choson reached out to Shadchan Dassi Kramer after registering on the site, and after reviewing his profile, had an idea which Boruch Hashem worked!

Shidduch #228:

Teves 5782 - December 2021
Shadchan: Nina Guerenstadt

Shadchan Nina Guerenstadt relates: "I was looking for some time for a Shidduch for the bochur, and saw a relevant profile on ChabadMatch.  I suggested it to the parents who were interested and Boruch Hashem got engaged!"

Shidduch #227:

Teves 5782 - December 2021

The mother of the Kallah relates: "The Shadchan got my daughter's resume from your database and suggested the Shidduch!

Shidduch #226:

Kislev 5782 - December 2021

The Chosson saw the Kallah's profile on the site and reached out to his Rabbi, who reached out to the Kallah's Rabbi to help facilitate the Shidduch!

Shidduch #225:

Cheshvan 5782 - October 2021

The Choson reviewed the Kallah's profile several times on the site before going out with her, and Boruch Hashem it was a success!

Shidduch #224:

Cheshvan 5782 - October 2021
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz

Shadchan Zvi Mitz relates: "I noticed their resumes and figured they would match.  I tried, and Boruch Hashem it was successful!" Both the Choson and Kallah registered on the site in the same week.

Shidduch #223:

Tishrei 5782 - September 2021
Shadchan: Yehudis Abramowitz

Shadchan Yehudis Abramowitz met the Kallah and her parents on a ChabadMatch Zoom Meet Shadchanim event.  Having both profiles on the site helped evaluate them being relevant and making the suggestion.

Shidduch #222:

Tishrei 5782 - September 2021
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz

Shadchan Zvi Mitz's 3rd engagement this month!  He met the Kallah via her ChabadMatch profile and made the Shidduch happen!

Shidduch #221:

Elul 5781 - August 2021
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz

Shadchan Zvi Mitz's 2nd engagement this month!  Introduction was made thanks to their profiles on the site!

Shidduch #220:

Elul 5781 - August 2021
Shadchan: Elka Ezagui

Shadchan Elka Ezagui relates: "I found the girl's name in a search on ChabadMatch which was a good fit for a Bochur I was working with from ChabadMatch.  Boruch Hashem, they got engaged!"

Shidduch #219:

Elul 5781 - August 2021
Shadchan: Zvi Mitz

The mother of the Kallah relates: "Shadchan Zvi Mitz saw the Chosson’s profile on ChabadMatch and he suggested it for our daughter, leading to their engagement! 

Shidduch #218:

Elul 5781 - August 2021

The Choson shares: "My kallah saw my profile and followed through...that's it -- --- if not for your website I don't know how I would have found my soulmate!"

Shidduch #217:

Av 5781 - July 2021
Shadchan: Dassi Kramer

Shadchan Dassi Kramer relates: "The Kallah was in touch with me and after doing a search, she found a profile that looked of interest and asked me to look into it.  I reached out to the Bochur, it looked interesting, and Boruch Hashem it worked!"

Shidduch #216:

Av 5781 - July 2021
Shadchan: Gitel Chaya Fogel

The Kallah reviewed the Choson's profile on the site before going out.

Shidduch #215:

Av 5781- July 2021
Shadchan: Renata Sanders

The Kallah relates: "Having the profile on the site was definitely very helpful thorough the whole process of searching for my Bashert and with this specific match it was very good to have the information to see."

Shidduch #214:

Av 5781 - July 2021

The mother of the Kallah saw a profile that looked great for her daughter.  She spoke to references and when it matched up arranged the Shidduch.  They got engaged shortly thereafter.

Shidduch #213:

Tamuz 5781 - July 2021
Shadchan: Mendy Hasan

Shadchan Mendy Hassan relates: "I met the Choson via his profile on ChabadMatch, I spoke to him extensively to get to know him.  I heard about the Kallah through a friend of mine.  After checking with her references, they seemed compatible.  Boruch Hashem they went out and got engaged shortly thereafter!"

Shidduch #212:

Tamuz 5781 - June 2021
Shadchan: Leah Perl

The Kallah's family relates: "The name was suggested to us, and we decided to follow up with it when we saw his profile on ChabadMatch as well."

Shidduch #211:

Tamuz 5781 - June 2021
Shadchan: Chumy Delevkovitz

Another successful Shidduchim from the Meet Shadchanim Event at the Kinus HaShluchos!  Shadchan Chumy Delkowitz met the mother of the Kallah at the Kinus Meet Shadchanim event and successfully set her up with a Bochur who's profile she saw that matched.

Shidduch #210:

Sivan 5781 - June 2021

Mother of the Kallah relates: "The idea came from Chabadmatch.  I was looking through prospective profiles.  I kept discounting the Chosson because his first language was foreign.  Finally I was looking through profiles and reading the essays rather than what his mother tongue is. He was perfect in the essay and eventually we found out that was true."

Shidduch #209:

Sivan 5781 - June 2021
Shadchan: Leah Lipszyc

Shadchan Leah Lipszyc relates: "I know the Bochur for many years, and was trying to set him up for some time.  Two years ago, I found a profile on ChabadMatch that looked like a good match, but at the time the Kallah wasn't interested.  Last month the Kallah heard about the Bochur and reached out to me saying she was interested in trying now.  Boruch Hashem, they went out and got engaged!"

Shidduch #208:

Sivan 5781 - May 2021
Shadchan: Rabbis Boruch Kaplan and Arele Loschak

The Choson relates: "My mashpia got my kallahs information and my kallahs side found my information through ChabadMatch.  Thank you for being a part in this great Simcha."

Shidduch #207:

Sivan 5781 - May 2021
Shadchan: Asher Yisraeli

Shadchan Asher Yisraeli relates: "I started working with the Bochur and made several searches on the site for him which didn't work out.  Finally an idea came up on the site which was from his own hometown, Kiryat Gat.  They went out and shortly thereafter got engaged!"

Shidduch #206:

Sivan 5781 - May 2021
Shadchan: Miriam Schmuckler

Shadchan Miriam Schmuckler relates: "I saw the girl's profile on ChabadMatch, knew a great bochur for her, and Boruch Hashem they went out and got engaged!"

Shidduch #205:

Nissan 5781 - March 2021
Shadchan: Andrea Bennett

Shadchan Andrea Bennett relates: "I was connected with Yasmine via a mutual friend, and I saw Mendel's profile on a Bashert Now!  email; however, Yasmine and I wanted to know a little more before deciding whether it might be a good fit, so we looked at his ChabadMatch profile and sent him Yasmine's ChabadMatch profile to see if he was interested. After looking into each other, both singles decided to try it out, and after dating for a few months long distance, they BH decided to get engaged!"

Shidduch #204:

Adar 5781 - March 2021
Shadchan: Chana Margolin

Shadchan Chana Margolin relates: "I got to know the girl via her profile on ChabadMatch.  I set her up with a few Bochurim that didn't work out. Boruch Hashem this time it was a success!"

Shidduch #203:

Adar 5781 - February 2021
Shadchan: Rivky Fellig

Shadchan Rivky Fellig relates: "I have worked with the girl in the past, and she saw the boy's information on ChabadMatch and asked me contact him.  They went out and B"H just got engaged!!:

Shidduch #202:

Shevat 5781 - January 2021
Shadchan: Noach Pawliger

The Choson relates: Shadchan Noach Pawliger found my profile on ChabadMatch and introduced me to my Kallah!"

Shidduch #201:

Teves 5781 - January 2021
Shadchan: Dina Davis

After reviewing the profile of the Chosson, it looked like a match for a girl I know locally, and Boruch Hashem it turned out to be a successful Shidduch!

Shidduch #200:

Teves 5781 - December 2020

Just a week after joining, the Kallah found an interesting profile on the site, and reached out to her Shadchan coach who put together the Shidduch!

Shidduch #199:

Kislev 5781 - December 2020
Shadchan: Eliezer Zalmanov

Shadchan Eliezer Zalmanov sent the Kallah the Bochur's ChabadMatch profile.  By Hashgacha Pratis they had recently travelled in the same car to the Ohel.  They shortly thereafter got engaged!

Shidduch #198:

Kislev 5781 - December 2020
Shadchan: Chana Huebner

The Kallah's mother saw the profile of the Bochur and reached out to Shadchan Chana Huebner who facilitated the Shidduch!

Shidduch #197:

Kislev 5781 - December 2020
Shadchan: Chana Bekerman

The Bochur signed up on Chabadmatch and did a search on the site and found the Kallah's profile.  His brother reached out to Shadchan Chana Bekerman who made the Shidduch!

Shidduch #196:

Kislev 5781 - December 2020
Shadchan: Rus Kinn

Shadchan Rus Kinn relates: "About a year and a half ago I reached out to a father who posted his son's profile on ChabadMatch.  He then sent me his other son's profile and B"H after working with them for some time, a Shidduch resulted!"

Shidduch #195:

Kislev 5781 - December 2020
Shadchan: Chaim Pil

Chaim Pil relates: "I met the two singles through their profiles on ChabadMatch and was able to successfully put them together!"

Shidduch #194:

Cheshvan 5781 - October 2020
Shadchan: ChabadMatch Shachan

The anonymous relates: "The Choson's Mashpia registered him on ChabadMatch as an Hishtadlus in finding a Shidduch, and I found his details on the site.  I spoke to his Mashpia and suggested a girl for him.  The Bochur traveled to Israel, spent 2 weeks in quarantine, went out, but it didn't work out.  With two days left before his return, I suggested a match that looked relevant, they went out and the next day the Bochur  returned home.  They continued dating on Zoom, and then the Kallah traveled to the Choson to continue dating.  Boruch Hashem it worked out and they got engaged!"

Shidduch #193:

Cheshvan 5781 - October 2020
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

Shandel Blassberg relates: "I made a Shidduch on ChabadMatch four years ago.  The husband encouraged his friend to register on ChabadMatch and that's how I got to know him a year and a half ago.  Boruch Hashem through this introduction I was able to make his Shidduch!"

Shidduch #192:

Elul 5780 - September 2020
Shadchan: Rus Kinn

Rus Kinn relates: "With great kindness from the One Above, two days after the girl signed up with ChabadMatch I suggested her to a bachur who contacted me earlier that same month.  They both agreed that it seemed a good likely match and after looking into the idea more closely decided to meet.  Due to some corona related hiccups they finally met about two months later, and after meeting several times they decided to get engaged!"

Shidduch #191:

Elul 5780 - September 2020
Shadchan: Chumy Delevkovitz

Another successful Shidduch from the Meet Shadchanim Even at this year's Kinus HaShluchos!  Chumy was a Shadchan at the event, met a mother, and 7 months later an engagement is celebrated!

Shidduch #190:

Elul 5780 - September 2020
Shadchan: Miriam Schmuckler

Miriam Schmuckler relates: "I saw Moshe's  resume and thought of someone I knew.  She did a zoom with him (she was in Crown Heights) and realized she couldn't focus on Shidduchim then, because she was traveling.  She thought of a friend for Moshe, who actually lived in California and could date Moshe properly.  B"h i set them up and it went well!"

Shidduch #189:

Elul 5780 - September 2020
Shadchan: Chani Raksin

Chani Raksin relates: "I saw a new profile on the site and arranged to meet the girl.  After meeting the girl I knew exactly what she was looking for and when the boy's mother called me I knew they would be a great match.  They started out on the phone, then zoom, and after arranging logistic and two weeks of quarantine they were able to meet and shortly thereafter get engaged!"

Shidduch #188:

Elul 5780 - September 2020
Shadchan: Yehudis Abramowitz

Yehudis Abramowitz relates: "I met Ben when he was a student at Mayanot Yeshiva in Yerushalayim.  I was impressed by his good Midos and we stayed in touch after he went back to the US and enrolled in a Master's Program in Social Work.  One of the daily ChabadMatch profiles appeared with Rachael's information.  She seemed like just the right girl for him. After sharing the profiles and arranging for the the couple to meet, I found it such a pleasure working with each of them.  Each one was so sensitive to the feelings of the other.  Both baalei teshuva, yet they worked with me and with each other in the most tzniusdik fashion.  B"H, the shidduch has been brought to its happy conclusion.  Their simcha is my simcha!"

Shidduch #187:

Elul 5780 - September 2020
Shadchan: Noach Pawliger

Noach new the Chosson from his hometown, Atlanta.  He found the European Kallah's profile, on ChabadMatch and was able to compare both of their profiles, and Boruch Hashem they matched and got engaged!

Shidduch #186:

Av 5780 - August 2020
Shadchan: Chana Glicken

The first successful engagement for Mayanot Connects!!  The Kallah found a profile of interest, and reached out to Shadchan Chana Glicken to set them up!

Shidduch #185:

Av 5780 - August 2020
Shadchan: Miriam Schmuckler

"I saw the Kallah's profile on ChabadMatch and set her up with the Choson, relates Shadchan Miriam Schmuckler.  "Less than one month from registering her profile, she got engaged!"

Shidduch #184:

Av 5780 - July 2020
Shadchan: Rina Gershowitz

The Choson, Kalah, Shadchan, and a friend of the Kallah that suggested the Shidduch are all from Bnei Brak.  The profiles of the Choson and Kallah on ChabadMatch helped each side review the suggestion, and Boruch Hashem they got engaged!

Shidduch #183:

Av 5780 - July 2020
Shadchan: Moshe Raichman

"The Kallah was proactive and found a profile she was interested in on the site," relates Moshe Raichman.  "I was listed as a Shadchan on the Bochur's profile so she contacted me for more information.  I reached out to the Bochur and they decided to go out.  As soon as they met there was immediate chemistry, and less than two week later they got engaged!"

Shidduch #182:

Tamuz 5780 - July 2020
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

The automated suggestion feature does it again!!!  Shadchan Shandel Blassberg suggested the Shidduch and they decided not to pursue it. Later, the mother of the Kallah received the suggestion by email via the ChabadMatch automated suggestion feature and decided to revisit the suggestion.  She reached out to Shandel Blassberg who put together the Shidduch!

Shidduch #181:

Tamuz 5780 - July 2020
Shadchan: Rinat Miriam and Moran Amframayov

Another Success Story from our Meet Shadchanim Event in Kfar Chabad!  The Choson met with Rinat Miriam at the event.  Rinat shared the details of the Bochur with Moran Amfromayov, who put together the successful Shidduch!

Shidduch #180:

Tamuz 5780 - June 2020
Shadchan: Dasi Kramer

Shadchan Dasi Kramer relates: "With this Shidduch I knew about the families beforehand, but having the ability to see full profiles describing both singles helped me evaluate and make the Shidduch."

Shidduch #179:

Sivan 5780 - June 2020
Shadchan: Rachel Gov Ari

Both the Choson and Kallah joined the site on the weekend after Pesach. They are both from Netanya but did not know of each other.  The Kallah reached out to Shadchan Rachel Gov Ari, who ran a search on ChabadMatch and found the Choson.  Within a few weeks of registering they got engaged!

Shidduch #178:

Iyar 5780 - May 2020
Shadchan: Chaya Cohen

The family was looking into a limited profile for a Shidduch.  The full information on the ChabadMatch profile helped them evaluate the opportunity properly and Boruch Hashem they got successfully engaged!

Shidduch #177:

Nissan 5780 - April 2020
Shadchan: Malka Cohen

Less than three months after our 1st Meet Shadchanim Event in Kfar Chabad, a couple has got engaged!  Malka Cohen set them up after meeting the Bochur at the event!

Shidduch #176:

Adar 5780 - March 2020
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

Shadchan Shandel Blasberg relates: "I got to know the Choson a few years ago when he registered on ChabadMatch.  I would occasionally send him suggestions.  About 5 months ago I decided to invite him for Yom Tov and Shabbos.  Shortly afterward, I also interviewed him.  This personal contact was instrumental in giving him a suggestion that was really up his alley.  The relationship started with the Bochur's profile on the site, the database is such a critical tool.  Since we see so many names on the site, it's essential to personally connect with the single.  I prefer reaching out on WhatsApp, which I find more personal than an email.  A Shabbos invite is usually appreciated especially if they can bring along friends.  Often this leads to an interview which results in better, on-target suggestions."

Shidduch #175:

Adar 5780 - March 2020
Shadchan: Leah Perl and Toby Lieder

Shadchan Leah Perl relates: "I received an automated suggestion for a Bochur that looked interesting.  I forwarded it to Toby Lieder asking to run the idea by them, and they weren't interested.  Toby looked at the idea and had another idea which Boruch Hashem worked!"

Shidduch #174:

Adar 5780 - February 2020
Shadchan: Anonymous

Shortly after registering her profile, the Kallah saw the profile of the Choson on ChabadMatch and was interested.  After doing research they approached the Shadchan who helped facilitate and they quickly got engaged!

Shidduch #173:

Shevat 5780 - February 2020
Shadchan: Rochel Smoller

Shadchan Rachel Smoller relates: "The Choson reached out to me about two years ago through Chabadmatch.  The Kallah's Shlucha Rivky Freidman is always brainstorming about her Baal Teshuvah girls from her community with me.  This is the second Shidduch we made together.  Great example of how Shluchos can help their newly Frum singles navigate the Shidduch process!"

Shidduch #172:

Teves 5780 - January 2020
Shadchan: Miri Farro

Shadchan Miri Farro relates: "I met the mother of the Kallah with her daughter last year at the Meet Shadchanim Event, and recently saw a profile on ChabadMatch that looked like a good potential match.  Being able to meet the single in person at the Meet Shadchanim Event and having his profile in front of me made it a smooth process to setup and Boruch Hashem they are now engaged!"

Shidduch #171:

Kislev 5780 - December 2019
Shadchan: Rus Kinn

Shadchan Rus Kinn relates: "With Hashem's great kindness, a few months after being contacted by the Bachur and speaking with him, the day the Kallah signed up on ChabadMatch, she seemed from her profile to be just what he was looking for, and Baruch HaShem, she was!  They met for a few weeks and B"H got engaged!" The Kallah got engaged less than a month from when she registered her profile!

Shidduch #170:

Tishrei 5780 - October 2019
Shadchan: Rus Kinn

Shadchan Rus Kinn relates: "Soon after I saw the Bochur's profile on ChabadMatch, a certain young lady asked for help to find her match.  With Hashem's great help, I set them up, and after about three weeks they got engaged!"

Shidduch #169:

Elul 5779 - September 2019
Shadchan: Yehudis Abramowitz

Shadchan Yehudis Abramowitz relates: "A few months ago I traveled from Eretz Yisroel to visit my mother in NY for her 101st birthday, ke"h. While there, I met a lovely young woman who was seeking her Bashert. When I returned to Israel, I opened my email and there was a ChabadMatch profile of a Bochur from an out-of-town family that my youngest daughter had boarded with when she was in high school.  This Bochur was probably the baby in the family at the time!  Feeling a sense of  connection and responsibility, I read his information with interest and realized he might just be the right Shidduch for the lovely young woman in New York. The rest is history!"

Shidduch #168:

Menachem Av 5779 - August 2019
Shadchan: Daliah Kurtzweil

Shadchan Daliah Kurtzweil relates: "I saw the Bochur's profile on ChabadMatch.  I really liked what he wrote, and started thinking who I could set him up with.  I started sending his mother suggestions, and she liked the Kallah's profile right away.  It took a few months until the Shidduch actually took place as the Bochur had to fly to Israel.  We went through a wonderful journey together, on Friday they went to the Ohel and the rest is history.  As I can see already, we'll have lots of Chassidishe Nachas Be'ezras Hashem!"

Shidduch #167:

Tammuz 5779 - July 2019
Shadchan: Libby Chein

The mother of the Bochur saw an interesting profile on the site, and reached out to Shadchan Libby Chein who setup the Shidduch!

Shidduch #166:

Tammuz 5779 - July 2019
Shadchan: Rachel Gov-Ari

Shadchan Rachel Gov-Ari relates: "When the Bochur registered on ChabadMatch, I reached out to him to make a suggestion.  We stayed in touch, and when he told me he was coming to Israel, I worked to set him up with a girl who looked like a match.  Boruch Hashem they went out and got engaged!"

Shidduch #165:

Sivan 5779 - June 2019
Shadchan: Rus Kinn

Shadchan Rus Kinn relates: "The Chabadmatch member I suggested a Shidduch to told a friend that the boy may be good for their daughter.  The mother contacted me to see if they were interested in the idea.  Both sides did research and agreed to the match.  They met, and about four weeks later got engaged!"

Shidduch #164:

Iyar 5779 - May 2019
Shadchan: Cyna Reisman

Shadchan Cyna Reisman relates: "After seeing the Bochur’s profile, I thought of the Kallah immediately.  The profile's thorough information is so helpful in checking important information for compatibility.  And compatible they are!!!"

Shidduch #163:

Nisan 5779 - May 2019
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

Shadchan Shandel Blasberg relates: "I knew both singles for some time. The Bochur contacted me and I did a search for him on ChabadMatch.  The Kallah looked like a good match as I knew of her, and Boruch Hashem it worked!"

Shidduch #162:

Nisasn 5779 - April 2019
Shadchan: Moshe Raichman

Shadchan Moshe Raichman relates: "A single registered on the site and after a week mentioned to me that she hadn't heard from any Shadchan yet.  I asked her to search the database to see if there was a profile of interest.  She expressed interest in someone who by Hashgacha Pratis I knew, and who expressed interest in her as well.  Since they were in the USA and I'm in Israel, her friend served as a go between and Boruch Hashem within 2 months of her registering, they became engaged!"

Shidduch #161:

Nisasn 5779 - April 2019
Shadchan: Rus Kinn

Shadchan Rus Kinn relates: "After a friend's daughter signed up to ChabadMatch, I started working with her to help find her bashert for some time, she approached me with the BashertNow profile of a bachur and asked me to proceed to make the match, and with the tremendous kindness from Above, it worked out wonderfully."

Shidduch #160:

Adar B 5779 - March 2019
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

Shadchan Shandel Blassberg relates: "I saw the Chosson's profile when he registered and reached out to him.  Two years later when he moved to Crown Heights, I had the chance to meet him in person.  I ran a search for him on ChabadMatch and found a great potential match.  As soon as they met, they knew they were for each other.  Just a few months after moving to the USA, after living several years in Israel, the Choson already became engaged!"

Shidduch #159:

Adar A 5779 - Feburary 2019
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

Shadchan Shandel Blassberg relates: "I saw the Kallah's profile and when I looked for a match on ChabadMatch I saw a boy who I had known previously from 12 years ago when I lived in Jerusalem.  It looked like a great match and Boruch Hashem they got engaged!"

Shidduch #158:

Shevat 5779 - January 2019
Shadchan: Sorah Yarmush

Shadchan Sorah Yarmush met a Bochur at the ChabadMatch Gimel Tamuz event.  She recently had a suggestion for him.  They went out and Boruch Hashem got engaged!

Shidduch #157:

Mar Cheshvan 5779 - October 2018
Shadchan: Mendi Hasan

Shadchan Mendi Hasan relates: "I reached out to the Kallah after seeing her profile on Chabadmatch.  After some time of searching for her, I came across another profile on Chabadmatch that looked like it was compatible.  They both were interested, but since they were far apart, they first spoke on the phone three times.  After receiving a Bracha in Igros, she traveled to Israel to meet the Choson, and after 5 dates they got engaged!

Shidduch #156:

Mar Cheshvan 5779 - October 2018
Shadchan: Mendi Hasan

Shadchan Mendi Hasan relates: "The bochur I knew from Yeshiva in Buenos Aires.  After joining ChabadMatch I noticed his profile on the site, I didn't know he was looking for a Shidduch.  I immediately made contact with him, and after a few months of doing searches, found the right girl.  After 4 dates, they got engaged!"

Shidduch #155:

Av 5778 - July 2018
Shadchan: Chani Raksin

Shadchan Chani Raksin relates: "As soon as I saw the Kalah's profile on ChabadMatch  several months ago, I immediately thought of the Choson who has been in touch with me for the past year.  Boruch Hashem after several months of dating, on this auspicious day, it's official!"

Shidduch #154:

Tamuz 5778 - July 2018
Shadchan: Cyna Reisman

Shadchan Cyna Reisman relates: "The Kallah was the sister of a previous Shidduch I made.  The Chosson was the best friend of another Bochur I had setup.  Reviewing their ChabadMatch profiles helped evaluate the proposal, and Boruch Hashem they are engaged!"

Shidduch #153:

Sivan 5778 - May 2018
Shadchan: Sorah Yarmush

Sorah Yarmush relates: "I met a girl at the ChabadMatch Shadchanim event in Shevat.  Shortly thereafter I met a Bochur who seemed like a good match.  They went out, and Boruch Hashem got engaged!"

Shidduch #152:

Iyar 5778 - May 2018
Shadchan: Rus Kinn

Rus Kinn relates: "The Kallah's side reached out to enquire about one of the ChabadMatch singles that I had been working with.  Although the two did not end up meeting, though this process I got to know the young lady, and not long afterwards I was approached by someone who was looking to get married.  The thought came to me that they'd probably be a good match, and they were!"

Shidduch #151:

Iyar 5778 - April 2018

The Shadchan saw two compatible profiles on the site, reached out to the Bochur to see if there was interest and relayed to the Kallah.  They got in touch, and BH got engaged!

Shidduch #150:

Nissan 5778 - April 2018
Shadchan: Chana Calmenson

Chana Calmenson relates: "A friend of mine told me about a great boy, I called up the boy's mother and she told me about her son.  She mentioned that she also had a daughter in Shidduchim.  The next day I received a phone call from a mother who had just registered her son on ChabadMatch and reached out to me as a Shadchan on the site.  She described her son to me and I immediately thought of this girl." BH, less than 3 weeks from registering on the site, they are engaged!

Shidduch #149:

Adar 5778 - March 2018
Shadchan: Gitel Chaya Fogel

The father of the Kallah relates: "Her profile on ChabadMatch introduced us to an amazing Shadchan, Gitel Chaya Fogel.  Mrs.  Fogel saw her profile and thought of an idea for her.  That idea didn’t work out but she stayed with us and ultimately came up with the idea that became her Shidduch.  Thank you!"

Shidduch #148:

Adar 5778 - February 2018
Shadchan: Leah Lipszyc

Shadchan Leah Lipszyc relates: "After dating several other girls, the Bochur told me 'I don't feel those girls were what I'm looking for.  I need a girl who's more _____."  I typed in the word on the ChabadMatch search page, together with age, height....  and two girls came up.  The first one is now his Kallah! 

Shidduch #147:

Shevat 5778 - January 2018
Shadchan: Chaya Cohen

Shadchan Chaya Cohen relates: "One evening, the mother of the Kallah called to tell me about her daughter and her family, and she mentioned to me how much they love Lubavitch.  The next day the bochur's profile came out on ChabadMatch and I immediately saw a connection!"

Shidduch #146:

Shevat 5778 - January 2018
Shadchan: Atara Guez

The Impact of Hishtadlus!  Shadchan Atara Guez relates: "A girl was desperate because there were no suitable suggestions for her.  I told her mother that she has to make a bigger Hishtadlus, she has to be known to all the Shadchanim in the world.  The parents weren’t ready to publish her profile on the web, but setup a profile which I sent to my list of Shadchanim.  Moshe Raichman also received her profile, and suggested to publish her profile on Chabadmatch.  I asked and this time she agreed to publish it.  A few days after, the idea of her Chatan came and they got engaged!"

Shidduch #145:

Shevat 5778 - January 2018
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

Shadchan Shandel Blassberg relates: "The mother of the Kallah did a search on ChabadMatch and saw the Choson's profile.  She asked her daughter to do a search and the same profile came up.  They reached out to me, and once the bochur became available, they went out and it was a success!"

Shidduch #144:

Cheshvan 5778 - October 2017
Shadchan: Chaya Lando

Rivka Bernath relates: "I saw the Kallah's profile on ChabadMatch, and it looked like a good match for my son.  I had Chaya Lando handle the Shidduch, which BH was successful."

Shidduch #143:

Tamuz 5777 - June 2017
Shadchan: Eliezer Zalmanov

Shadchan Eliezer Zalmanov relates: "I was working with the Bochur, I ran a search on ChabadMatch and came up with the girl's profile.  They both were interested and Boruch Hashem it led to an engagement!"

Shidduch #142:

Sivan 5777 - June 2017
Shadchan: Rus Kinn

Shadchan Rus Kinn relates: "After having seen the Bochur's profile on ChabadMatch, I sent it  to a parent I've been working with, on the 24th of Teves of this year.  The girl's side was interested but the Bochur's side felt the young lady was unsuitable and asked for further ideas. After hearing from them more of what they were looking for, I sent them one idea which seemed likely, but the logistics weren't able to be worked out, so it wasn't taken further.  On the 24th of Nissan the Bochur's family approached me again to ask me to re-start the search for a Shidduch for their son.  I called the Bochur's Mother to hear about her son and to understand  firsthand from her what exactly they feel their son needs, which led me to suggest the young lady.  They met after many inquiries, and on the 24th of Sivan the engagement became official!"

Shidduch #141:

Sivan 5777 - June 2017
Shadchan: Hirsh Dlinn

Shadchan Hirsh Dlinn relates: "We saw the Bochur's profile when he registered on Chabadmatch, it looked like a match for our daughter, and Boruch Hashem it worked out!"

Shidduch #140:

Iyar 5777 - May 2017
Shadchan: Leah Lipszyc

Shadchan Leah Lipszyc relates: "I saw the Choson's profile on ChabadMatch when he registered years ago.  I've been in touch with his mother all along, and she asked me to look into to the Kallah, after someone mentioned her name to her."

Shidduch #139:

Iyar 5777 - May 2017
Shadchan: Rus Kinn

Shadchan Rus Kinn relates: "I saw the Kallah's profile on Chabadmatch and set her up with someone who was unsuitable, but through that experience came to understand what she was seeking.  When I interviewed the Bochur who seemed just the type for her, I suggested the match and Boruch Hashem they met and got engaged!"

Shidduch #138:

Iyar 5777 - May 2017
Shadchan: Chani Raksin

Shadchan Chani Raksin relates: "I was working with a girl from ChabadMatch for a while.  After Purim, a mother whose son just started with Shidduchim called me.  I thought of this girl immediately and how suitable she was.  Boruch Hashem it went well and ended in a an engagement!"

Shidduch #137:

Iyar 5777 - May 2017
Shadchan: Chani Raksin

Shadchan Chani Raksin relates: "I was working with the girl's mother for one a year.  Recently, her resume went on ChabadMatch with more detailed information and I got a better feeling of what boy she needs.  There was a boy who I thought of, I called his uncle for more information, and felt it was very suitable.  BH it ended in an engagement!"

Shidduch #136:

Iyar 5777 - April 2017
Shadchan: Atarah Guez

Shadchan Atarah Guez relates: "The girl's sister reached out to me to check if I had any ideas for her sister.  I did a search on ChabadMatch and found one suggestion that looked like it could match, he was the perfect match!  After more investigation, I found that they had a lot of similarities, and BH got engaged."

Shidduch #135:

Nissan 5777 - April 2017
Shadchan: Yocheved Miller

Shadchan Yocheved Miller relates: "I like to cross reference when possible, and I always look for the potential match on ChabadMatch if I head about them from any source.  The additional information on the ChabadMatch profile of the boy helped put this Shidduch together!"

Shidduch #134:

Adar 5777 - March 2017
Shadchan: Chani Raksin

Shadchan Chani Raksin relates: "I saw a boy's resume the day it was posted on ChabadMatch 8 weeks ago.  It sent a flash in my mind for a girl whose family I have been working with for a while.  I immediately got more info from the Bochur's mom to confirm my impression and check his availability.  I then presented the suggestion to both sides.  The girl was very happy after the 1st date, noting that he was different to the other boys she was setup with, and similar to her brother that she looked up to.  He was worried about getting engaged to the first girl he went out with.  I walked them gently through it, till Boruch Hashem the engagement! 

Shidduch #133:

Adar 5777 - February 2017
Shadchan: Cyna Reisman

Shadchan Cyna Reisman relates: "I had been working with the Choson for more than a year, when in September I saw a new girl's profile from Australia on ChabadMatch.  I looked at the profile and had a really good feeling about it for him.  I'm very particular about what I send out, and after reading the full profile, it really looked like it could match. Boruch Hashem after several months, they are engaged!"

Shidduch #132:

Shevat 5777 - February 2017
Shadchan: Rus Kinn

Shadchan Rus Kinn relates: "The day the profile came through to me on ChabadMatch something about it caught my eye.  Whenever this happens, I try to make a point to give them a call, interview them, and 'keep them on my books', and this is what I did.  One thing led to another, and within the month (to the very day), they were engaged!"

Shidduch #131:

Shevat 5777 - February 2017
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

Shadchan Shandel Blassberg relates: "I was planning a trip to Florida to visit my parents, and did a search on ChabadMatch of singles in Florida to arrange to meet while I was there.  I didn't get a chance to meet the Kallah, but we began communication.  She eventually moved to Crown Heights and after meeting her in person I introduced her to the Choson, and Boruch Hashem they got engaged!"

Shidduch #130:

Shevat 5777 - February 2017
Shadchan: Yisrael Cohen & Gavriel Avichzer

The Kallah saw a profile that was of interest, and reached out to a relative to do research.  The Choson flew in from Israel.  Gavriel Avichzer served as a Shadchan, leading to the engagement!

Shidduch #129:

Teves 5777 - January 2017

A Shadchan saw a new profile on the site that looked like a match for her daughter.  Within 6 weeks of the bochur registering, her daughter became enagaged to him!

Shidduch #128:

Teves 5777 - January 2017

The Kallah did a search and was interested in the Choson's profile.  He was not available at the time.  After some time, when he became available, the Shidduch was setup and worked!

Shidduch #127:

Kislev 5777 - December 2016
Shadchan: Leah Namdar and Chany Scheiner

Chany Scheiner called Leah Namdar to see if she had any ideas for a Bochur that she was working with.  Mrs.  Namdar checked out his profiile on ChabadMatch and suggested a girl that looked like a good match.  Being able to compare both ChabadMatch profiles made the process much easier for both sides, and Boruch Hashem the Shidduch was a success!

Shidduch #126:

Elul 5776 - September 2016
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

Shadchan Shandel Blassberg relates: "There was a woman who was divorced with children and knew it was time to move on and begin anew.  The woman registered on ChabadMatch and her Shlucha, who was assisting her, gave me a call after browsing the site.  After a long conversation about who she is and what she is looking for, it became clear that there was a man on the site who matched her.  The Shlucha was really happy with the reference calling, it turned out that there were people who knew them both.  The Shidduch took off, I bless every couple and Shadchan with all the elements this Shidduch had: Ahavas Yisroel, loving and caring Shluchim, dedicated Mashpiim, and two singles who were committed to both the dating process and goal."

Shidduch #125:

Elul 5776 - September 2016
Shadchan: Atarah Guez and Chani Konikov

The Chosson's family relates: "An automated suggestion by ChabadMatch was sent by Shadchana Atara Guez to us.  At the time we were busy with another suggestion.  After a few weeks we looked back at it, and being that one of the Kallah's references was a relative of ours, we continued through her.  Boruch Hashem they got engaged thereafter."

Shidduch #124:

Av 5776 - August 2016
Shadchan: Rivky Torrenheim

Shadchan Rivky Torrenheim relates: "An Israeli Shliach in Sydney, Rabbi Alon Hezi, gave my brother a dollar of the Rebbe to keep until he finds his Shidduch.  I had been very busy with work and felt sad about the last suggestion my brother received.  I was on the train coming home from work, and started reading my emails and was looking through new ChabadMatch profiles that had arrived.  One looked very interesting, I read the whole profile carefully.  As I was reading it, I right away felt that this is definitely the girl for my brother.  The way she wrote made it sound as if my brother was writing, and she was exactly what my brother was looking for.  I looked at the picture again and knew this girl was for my brother.  Hashem helped overcome obstacles including: language, time difference, distance, and culture.  The Kallah, who was living in Israel and whose parents were in France, had signed up on ChabadMatch just a few days prior.  She replied that she was interested and would discuss it with her parents.  The Kallah came to New York, and after three dates, they came to our house to ask for my mother's bracha for the engagement!  After the engagement we noticed, that the date the Kallah wrote back after reading my brother's profile was the same Hebrew date that the Rebbe had given the dollar to the Rabbi Alon Hezi!"

Shidduch #123:

Tammuz 5776 - August 2016
Shadchan: Toby Lieder

Shadchan Toby Lieder relates: "I'm so amazed at the most incredible Shidduch that was just made!  This is a Shidduch MADE BY A COMPUTER!  I recently started receiving suggestions by email via the automated suggestion feature on ChabadMatch.  To actually see the results with my own eyes actually happening is incredible.  I got an email from ChabadMatch a month ago, and for the first time, it had two profiles side by side instead of one.  I looked it and said: Huh?  Then I read that these two individuals were matched up automatically by a computer and not even a human!  I thought, Ok, I'll try, what do I have to lose?  I forwarded the email to the girl's mom.  She wrote back that her husband knows the father, and they like the idea, and want to look into him. She's from Australia and he's from Canada, and the computer thinks it's good.  They went out and it WORKED!  I was the Shadchan in between the dates to keep encouraging and assisting, but Hashem is the real Shadchan here!!  In the beginning when I got the email, I almost dismissed it, and thought to myself: Ye Sure...  Then I thought, how have I got the right to dismiss an idea and ignore it?  I learned from this that when a suggestion comes to us, it's Hashgocha Protis, and we shouldn't take suggestions lightly."

Shidduch #122:

Tammuz 5776 - July 2016
Shadchan: Chaya Davidson

Shadchan Chaya Davidson relates: "I saw the Bochur's profile on ChabadMatch, it described him as coming from a Yiddish speaking home who both works and keeps active sedarim.  He sounded like a great match for a girl I knew.  Boruch Hashem, it worked out!"

Shidduch #121:

Sivan 5776 - June 2016
Shadchan: Rachel Gov-Ari

Shadchan Rachel Gov-Ari relates: "The Kallah got in touch with me after she signed up on ChabadMatch.  I was waiting quite some time to find the right suggestion for her.  Something came up that looked like a potential match, and Boruch Hashem it worked out!"

Shidduch #120:

Sivan 5776 - June 2016
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

Shadchan Shandel Blassberg relates: "Over 4 years ago, I came across the Chosson's profile on ChabadMatch....I reached out to him...  we emailed, spoke on the phone, and during one of his visits to Crown Heights from LA, we met.  Over the years we stayed in touch.  Six months ago, a Shaliach contacted me about a family in his community who had grown tremendously in their Yiddishkeit, and their daughter was now ready for Shidduchim.  Although I had seen her profile on ChabadMatch, no ideas had yet come to mind.  During my conversation with the Shaliach, we realized I would be visiting the city where she was currently living, and we decided to set up an interview.  We were going to Boston to visit our children who recently moved there on Shlichus.  During the interview, I jotted down several names that seemed shayach.  The next morning, I sat down at my computer ready to begin working on Shidduchim, first I like to search the newest profiles...  I opened a BashertNow profile and got a jolt...the Chosson had posted a new picture and I was staring at a male version of the woman that I had met the night before.  They looked so similar, the coloring of their eyes and hair was the same and then the light bulb went on....  they had a whole lot more in common.  Within 2 weeks this shidduch was happening!"

Shidduch #119:

Sivan 5776 - June 2016
Shadchan: Akiva Perl

The mother of the Chosson relates: "Boruch Hashem, we can report another success story!  My son became a Chosson this week.  I filled out a profile for him a little while ago.  The next morning, I got a call from a Shadchan.  He stuck with us until he found the right Shidduch for our son, Boruch Hashem.  Thank you for posting it on Shluchos network so we could make use of this special service when we needed it."

Shidduch #118:

Iyar 5776 - June 2016
Shadchan: Akiva Perl

Shadchan Akiva Perl relates: "I was doing a search of the database for a girl, and after viewing a profile on ChabadMatch of a bochur, it seemed clear that they could match.  Boruch Hashem they are now engaged."

Shidduch #117:

Iyar 5776 - June 2016
Shadchan: Leah Namdar

Shadchan Leah Namdar relates: "The mother of the Bochur called, asking for an idea.  I browsed ShluchimMatch and found a girl's name that seemed really Shayach.  I sent it to the mother, and after a few meetings, through Hashem's great kindness, there is a Mazal Tov!  The beauty of the ChabadMatch & ShluchimMatch system is that it completely eliminates the waiting time and holdup that ensues over resumé exchanging.  All the info is there, and the research can be done without any delay or discomfort."

Shidduch #116:

Iyar 5776 - May 2016
Shadchan: Moishe Raitman

Shadchan Moishe Raitman relates: "ChabadMatch database was instrumental in providing detailed information about both individuals to evaluate common interests, personalities and hashkafa standards, and provided excellent references for checking."

Shidduch #115:

Iyar 5776 - May 2016
Shadchan: Rus Kinn

Shadchan Rus Kinn relates: "With great help from Above, after seeing the young lady's profile on ShluchimMatch, I suggested her to someone who had been in touch with me through ChabadMatch.  The match was unsuitable, but because of his effusive praise for the girl's family and character, she was on my mind.  When a new ShluchimMatch profile came through, of a bachur who had been here in Manchester for Yeshiva and had run programs that my boys took part in, knowing his character traits, I thought it may well be a match.  And it was!"

Shidduch #114:

Nissan 5776 - April 2016
Shadchan: Rachel Babai

Shadchan Rachel Babai relates: "The Chosson, from Israel and in his 40s, signed up on ChabadMatch in Elul, and I started looking for a match. After a few months, I met a woman who seemed to be a good fit, and Boruch Hashem it worked out."

Shidduch #113:

Nissan 5776 - April 2016
Shadchan: Sara Shollar

Shadchan Sara Shollar relates: "The Chosson saw a profile on ChabadMatch that looked of interest, and contacted me for more info.  I reached out to the girl, who was interested as well.  They went out, and got engaged!"

Shidduch #112:

Adar II 5776 - March 2016
Shadchan: Atarah Guez

Shadchan Atarah Guez relates: "I saw the Chosson's profile on ChabadMatch when he signed up.  I knew of him previously, but after seeing his profile I came up with an idea, which worked!"

Shidduch #111:

Adar II 5776 - March 2016
Shadchan: Atarah Guez

Shadchan Atarah Guez relates: "I saw the Kallah's profile on ChabadMatch and wanted to know more about her, so I spoke to her.  Two weeks later, the Chosson approached me asking for a Shidduch and I suggested her. Boruch Hashem it worked out!"

Shidduch #110:

Adar II 5776 - March 2016
Shadchan: Toby Lieder

Shadchan Toby Lieder relates: "I received a ChabadMatch profile via email of a sweet lovely girl and thought of a boy that matched her requirements.  I arranged a Skype interview with the girl and realized how much they match.  Sure enough, they got engaged!"

Shidduch #109:

Adar I 5776 - March 2016
Shadchan: Sukie Rabin & Fraida Estrin

Shadchan Sukie Rabin relates: "I came across the Chosson's profile a couple of years ago and my initial idea didn't work.  Two years later I matched him with another ChabadMatch profile of a girl that I know.  With the help of Shadchan Mrs.  Fraida Estrin we successfully introduced them, and a few weeks later they were engaged!"

Shidduch #108:

Adar I 5776 - February 2016
Shadchan: Rachel Gov-Ari

Shadchan Rachel Gov-Ari relates: "I met the Bochur after he submitted a Chabdadmatch profile several years ago.  The mother of the Kallah approached me after submitting a profile on ShluchimMatch.  I suggested the Chosson, and they agreed to go out based on my recommendation, and got engaged shortly thereafter."

Shidduch #107:

Shevat 5776 - January 2016
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

Shadchan Shandel Blassberg relates: "The Chosson's mom had been going through the profiles on ChabadMatch, and she sent me several numbers for the profiles that she wanted me to forward to her, and it was clear that one was more suitable.  It went just like we want them all to go .....the mother made her phone calls, I approached the Kallah's parents, it went smoothly.  Thank you for providing the medium to make this happen!"

Shidduch #106:

Teves 5776 - January 2016
Shadchan: Leah Lipszyc

Shadchan Leah Lipszyc relates: "I met the Chosson quite a number of years ago, via ChabadMatch.  We spoke many times on the phone at length, and I met him.  We looked into various possibilities, but nothing was right. About 10 months ago I saw the Kallah's profile on Bashert Now.  I spoke to her mother often, and met the girl.  I suggested her to the Bochur. First one was busy, then the other...Finally they were both able to meet, Boruch Hashem, culminating with a Mazal Tov!"

Shidduch #105:

Teves 5776 - January 2016

Shortly after registering on the site, the Chosson saw a profile he was interested in and reached out to a Shadchan on the site to review it. While he was waiting to hear back, another Shadchan reached out to him with the same suggestion.  Having seen the profile, he immediately agreed, they went out, and shortly thereafter got engaged!

Shidduch #104:

Teves 5776 - December 2015
Shadchan: Rus Kinn

Shadchan Rus Kinn relates: "A new ChabadMatch profile came through on the 2nd day of Chanukah, and the thought came to me to find out whether a certain bochur who had been on my shortlist was available and interested.  They were immediately interested, the logistics were worked out.  They met a week later, and kept meeting....  and meeting....and got engaged - all within 2 weeks of me receiving the girl's ChabadMatch profile!"

Shidduch #103:

Cheshvan 5776 - November 2015
Shadchan: Atara Guez

The Chosson submitted a profile on ChabadMatch which was forwarded by email to the BashertNow group.  Once Atara received the email, she had an idea and logged into ChabadMatch to search based on the criteria she was seeking.  There was only one result, it looked like a match, they went out, and shortly thereafter got engaged!

Shidduch #102:

Elul 5775 - September 2015
Shadchan: Shoshana Lifshitz

Shadchan Shoshana Lifshitz relates: The Chosson reached out to me when he saw my name on the ChabadMatch Shadchan list, and asked if I had any suggestions for him.  A few days later, I received the profile by E-mail of a new ChabadMatch member that looked like it fit what he was looking for.  I made the suggestion, they checked with the references, went out, and, Boruch Hashem, it worked out!

Shidduch #101:

Elul 5775 - September 2015
Shadchan: Rivka Bernath & Chaya Gurewicz

Shadchan Rivka Bernath relates: The Kallah contacted me though ChabadMatch.  When she was visiting Chicago, she came for an interview. I thought of the Chosson right away.  She was interested, but the Chosson wasn't dating yet.  After a few months when he was ready, they went out. I stayed with the Shidduch as a coach, and Chaya Sara Gurewicz set up all the dates until they got engaged.

Shidduch #100:

Tammuz 5775 - June 2015
Shadchan: Leah Lipszyc

Shadchan Leah Lipszyc relates: I originally contacted the Kallah's mother after seeing her daughter's profile on ChabadMatch.  We then met in person at the Kinus, and she asked me to look into suggestions for her daughter.  I made a search on ChabadMatch, made the suggestion, and, Boruch Hashem, it worked out!

Shidduch #99:

Tammuz 5775 - June 2015
Shadchan: Chaya Leibkowitch

Shadchan Chaya Leibkowitch relates: I found the Kallah's name on ChabadMatch, and started to make suggestions to her.  Boruch Hashem, after a few suggestions this one worked out!

Shidduch #98:

Sivan 5775 - June 2015
Shadchan: Devoiry Fox

Shadchan Devoiry Fox relates: I just started using ChabadMatch for ideas for Shidduchim and I noticed a Bochur whom I had hosted a while ago for a meal.  I reached out to his parents and we started to go over ideas. After a few months this idea came to my mind and we all worked together, and, BH, they are engaged!

Shidduch #97:

Sivan 5775 - June 2015
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

Shadchan Shandel Blassberg relates: Over a year ago I met the Kallah regarding Shidduchim.  I then met her recently at a wedding and realized there was something special about her and wanted the Zechus to be able to make her Shidduch.  Within 3 days of the wedding, the Chosson's profile appeared on ChabadMatch.  Less than 24 hours of the profile being posted, the suggestion was made, which, Boruch Hashem, turned out to be a success!

Shidduch #96:

Sivan 5775 - June 2015
Shadchan: Leah Lipszyc

Shadchan Leah Lipszyc relates: I saw the Kallah's profile on ChabadMatch several years ago.  I tried suggesting something which didn't work out. We were in touch periodically and I made the Shidduch with one of our Shabbos guests who seemed to have a similar refined character.

Shidduch #95:

Iyar 5775 - May 2015
Shadchan: Anonymous

The Chosson and Kallah had gone out 4 years ago.  After doing a search on ChabadMatch, the Kallah approached a Shadchan asking about a profile that she was interested in.  The Chosson was open to meeting her again.  They went out, and after going out several times, got engaged!

Shidduch #94:

Iyar 5775 - April 2015
Shadchan: Atarah Guez

Shadchan Atarah Guez was contacted to find a Shidduch for a Bochur on Shlichus in Europe.  She made a search on ChabadMatch and found a very good potential match in South America.  The Bochur traveled there and they were engaged shortly thereafter!

Shidduch #93:

Teves 5775 - January 2015
Shadchan: Menachem Lasker

Shadchan Menachem Lasker met with the Chosson and made a suggestion during Tishrei after searching profiles in the database.  After convincing the Chosson it was the right option, he traveled to Montreal to go out.  After several months they got engaged!

Shidduch #92:

Teves 5775 - December 2014
Shadchan: Anonymous

Shadchan Mindy Epstein saw a profile on ChabadMatch that looked like a match for her son.  She asked a friend to mediate, and after reviewing the references and profiles, they went out.  Shortly thereafter they got engaged!

Shidduch #91:

Kislev 5775 - December 2014
Shadchan: Raizy Edelman

The bochur registered on ChabadMatch, I had heard the name, after seeing the profile it looked like a match for a girl I was working with.  Boruch Hashem it worked out.

Shidduch #90:

Cheshvan 5775 - November 2014
Shadchan: Anonymous

The Chosson relates: "My Kallah and I are close with 2 families.  These families made the suggestion.  A while later I noticed my Kallah's profile on ChabadMatch, so I contacted the families about her, and after using the profile for research, it moved forward from there!"

Shidduch #89:

Menachem Av 5774 - July 2014
Shadchan: Moishe Raitman

Moishe relates: "I was originally approached by the mother of the Kallah who contacted me via ChabadMatch.  We reviewed all the necessary info so her daughter would be correctly described in the database.  From a Shidduch conference call and the posting, I was then contacted concerning the girl for a prospective suitor also on ChabadMatch.  After much patience and time, they got engaged!"

Shidduch #88:

Sivan 5774 - June 2014
Shadchan: Yocheved Miller

Yocheved knew both the Chosson and Kallah outside of ChabadMatch.  The additional information on the Kallah's ChabadMatch profile made her think it could work.  References were checked out on the profiles to be certain that the match could occur, which it Boruch Hashem did!

Shidduch #87:

Sivan 5774 - June 2014
Shadchan: Eliana Solomon

Less than a month after joining ChabadMatch as a Shadchan, Eliana Solomon has made her first Shidduch!  A bochur reached out to her expressing interest in a limited profile.  She reached out to the girl, they went out, and got engaged!

Shidduch #86:

Nissan 5774 - April 2014
Shadchan: Rachel Friedman

After the Kallah signed up on ChabadMatch, she reached out to Shadchan Rachel Friedman who shortly thereafter set her up successfully.

Shidduch #85:

Adar Beis 5774 - March 2014
Shadchan: Sara Shollar

Sara relates: "I found them both on ChabadMatch, at separate times, and contacted them.  Following the suggestion, there was a month's postponement.  Once they met, from the start, it was clear to both of them that this was it, and they were ready to get engaged after three to four dates.  Although there's been a lot of communication, I have not yet met either of them, so not only did their profiles help, but ChabadMatch was instrumental."

Shidduch #84:

Adar Alef 5774 - February 2014
Shadchan: Chasyah Gavrielah Tarica-Lechter

The mother of the Kallah saw a profile that interested her, she contacted the Shadchan who set them up, and they got engaged shortly thereafter.

Shidduch #83:

Shevat 5774 - January 2014
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

The Chosson signed up and was contacted by the Mrs. Blassberg.  A suggestion was made and he traveled to Crown Heights to go out.  Within a month of him signing up, he was engaged!

Shidduch #82:

Teves 5774 - December 2013
Shadchan: Rachel Babai

The Kallah reached out to the Shadchan after registering on ChabadMatch.  Mrs. Babai made a suggestion and they got engaged shortly thereafter.

Shidduch #81:

Kislev 5774 - November 2013
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

The Kallah was originally contacted by Mrs. Blassberg through ChabadMatch about 2 years ago, and eventually set her up with the Chosson.

Shidduch #80:

Mar Cheshvan 5774 - October 2013
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

She relates: "I contacted the Chosson as soon as I saw his profile on ChabadMatch.  After several conversations we met in person in April.  I set her up with the Kallah, whom I had met years earlier at a wedding, and they got engaged shortly thereafter."

Shidduch #79:

Tishrei 5774 - September 2013
Shadchan: Rabbi Yossef Benzecry and Mrs. Tania Hammer

He relates: "After looking at some short profiles on ChabadMatch, the Kallah's father asked me to search for more information on the Chosson.  I did it via ChabadMatch and also talked with the Shachanit on his profile, Mrs. Tania Hammer.  We worked together with their families and, Boruch Hashem, they are now engaged."

Shidduch #78:

Tishrei 5774 - September 2013
Shadchan: Rachel Gov Ari

She relates: "The Chosson approached me and suggested I look into a profile that he was interested in.  I looked into it and contacted the Kallah.  They decided to go out, and shortly therafter got engaged!"

Shidduch #77:

Elul 5773 - September 2013
Shadchan: Daniel Hayman

He relates: "The day the Kallah registered on ChabadMatch and I saw her profile, I suggested her to the Chosson.  She liked the profile from the start, and after some emails and phone calls, they met.  Shortly thereafter, they got engaged!"

Shidduch #76:

Elul 5773 - August 2013
Shadchan: Leah Lipszyc

She relates: "A friend told me about a friend who needs a Shidduch.  I searched on ChabadMatch and found a very nice profile where they seemed to have a lot in common.  At first they weren't sure because they live in different countries.  After some phone calls, he flew there earlier than planned, and within a few days they were engaged!"

Shidduch #75:

Elul 5773 - August 2013
Shadchan: Fraida Estrin

The Shadchan showed a few profiles to the Kallah's father, and he showed interest in the Chosson's profile.  They went out shortly thereafter and got engaged!

Shidduch #74:

Menachem Av 5773 - July 2013
Shadchan: Daniel Hayman

Daniel relates: "I started working with the mother of the Chosson by emailing her a few profiles on ChabadMatch.  The mother chose the Kallah, they dated a several times, and the rest is history!"

Shidduch #73:

Menachem Av 5773 - July 2013
Shadchan: Daniel Hayman

Daniel relates: "I met a Bochur through his profile on ChabadMatch and set him up with a girl.  It didn't work out, but the girl suggested that he go out with a friend of hers.  After sending her parents his ChabadMatch profile, they went out, and shortly thereafter got engaged!"

Shidduch #72:

Tammuz 5773 - June 2013
Shadchan: Leah Lipszyc

The Kallah's mom emailed Leah regarding Shidduchim, and Leah sent her profiles from ChabadMatch.  One profile looked interesting, they went out, and got engaged.

Shidduch #71:

Tammuz 5773 - June 2013
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

She relates: "I was looking for a girl that I knew privately.  I came across the Chosson's profile and after a phone conversation with him, it seemed that they could match.  They went out and got engaged!"

Shidduch #70:

Tammuz 5773 - June 2013
Shadchan: Chana Kupfer

The Shadchan was looking for a close friend of hers, and found a profile on ChabadMatch of a potential match in Israel.  After reviewing, he flew to meet her and they got engaged shortly thereafter.

Shidduch #69:

Tammuz 5773 - June 2013
Shadchan: Chana Nemni

The Shadchan was looking for the Kallah whom she had known for many years.  After she put in the search based on qualifications of age, beard, lvush and other things, she came up with Chasson, and the rest is history.

Shidduch #68:

Sivan 5773 - June 2013
Shadchan: Atarah Guez

The Shadchan saw the Kallah's profile on ChabadMatch, and set her up with someone she knew.

Shidduch #67:

Sivan 5773 - May 2013
Shadchan: Lazer Zalmanov

The parents of the Kallah saw a profile they were interested in, and contacted a Shadchan they work with, Lazer Zalmanov.  They went out and shortly thereafter got engaged.

Shidduch #66:

Iyar 5773 - April 2013
Shadchan: Daniel Hayman

The Chosson emailed a Shadchan, Moshe Raichman, asking for any suggestions.  He forwarded the request to Shadchan Daniel Hayman, who specializes in older singles.  Daniel immediately had an idea and Boruch Hashem it worked!

Shidduch #65:

Iyar 5773 - April 2013
Shadchan: Chana Gurkov

Shadchan Chana Gurkov relates: "I saw a ChabadMatch profile of a woman with the same last name as my cousins and it is an uncommon name.  I emailed her, we became quite close, and I suggested a few names to her. The first two suggestions didn't work out, but the third suggestion was someone I heard about through a friend of mine, I felt it would be perfect for her and they are now happily married Boruch Hashem."

Shidduch #64:

Iyar 5773 - April 2013
Shadchan: Rachel Gov-Ari

The bochur signed up on ChabadMatch just before Pesach.  Within a few days Shadchan Rachel Gov-Ari saw the profile and made a suggestion.  They started going out and within three weeks they were engaged!  This breaks a record for the fastest engagement from sign up on the site.

Shidduch #63:

Adar 5773 - March 2013
Shadchan: Daniel Hayman

He writes: "Both the Chosson and Kallah were previously married with children.  When the Chosson signed up on ChabadMatch, I suggested the Kallah.  They started talking on the phone and there was an instant connection.  The Chosson flew out to meet the Kallah on a couple of occasions, and then it was time for the Kallah to visit the Chosson.  By Hashgocho Pratis, that week her parents happened to be flying into the same city, so the Chosson got to meet her parents at the same time.  It is always very special when two people who were once previously married get a second chance.  Mazal Tov!"

Shidduch #62:

Adar 5773 - March 2013
Shadchan: Daniel Hayman

He writes: "The Kallah setup a profile and contacted me regarding a bochur on ChabadMatch that interested her.  When this one and a couple of others were not suitable, I sent her more information regarding a few other Bochurim.  One of the ones that interested her was the Chosson.  He initially had some reservations, but per my recommendation, he decided to be open minded and meet her. They liked each other from the first date, and the rest is history."

Shidduch #61:

Adar 5773 - February 2013
Shadchan: Anonymous

The Chosson requested a profile from the Shadchan.  The Chosson's brother worked on the Shidduch and they got engaged shortly thereafter.

Shidduch #60:

Teves 5773 - December 2012
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

The Shadchan was approached by a Shlucha for some ideas for someone in the Shlucha's community.  The Shadchan had met the Kallah through her ChabadMatch profile, made the suggestion, and they got engaged.

Shidduch #59:

Cheshvan 5773 - October 2012
Shadchan: Moishe Raitman

He writes: "I was working with a bochur whose family I am very close with and have been guiding them extensively in a coaching capacity.  After reviewing the girl's profile on ChabadMatch, the Shidduch was also suggested by a neighbor who felt it should be pursued.  We did our due diligence and by proceeding with a tremendous amount of energy and input, we BH have a L'chaim to celebrate!"

Shidduch #58:

Cheshvan 5773 - October 2012
Shadchan: Yehudis Abramowitz

She writes: "The boy's family called me privately.  I met the girl through her profile on the site.  The girl's mother initally rejected the boy's profile, thinking he was too young.  I felt that they could match and suggested it again.  At first it didn't go because of technical difficulties in getting the couple together.  After a few weeks, we tried again and it was successful!"

Shidduch #57:

Tishrei 5773 - October 2012
Shadchan: Daniel Hayman

He writes: "I have a strong connection with the Chosson's family and I had made a Shidduch for his older brother.  Whenever a new profile showed up on ChabadMatch that fit what he was looking for, I would forward it to the family.  After research by both sides, they decided to move forward, the shidduch progressed, and after several long dates they became Chosson and Kallah!"

Shidduch #56:

Av 5772 - August 2012
Shadchan: Tzirel Frankel

She writes: "As soon as I saw the new profile of the bochur on ChabadMatch I immediately thought of the girl and made the suggestion.  They went out shortly thereafter and got engaged!"

Shidduch #55:

Tammuz 5772 - July 2012
Shadchan: Rivkah Torenheim

She writes: "I was working with the choson for a while.  I came across the kallah's profile on ChabadMatch, and it just clicked, she was exactly what he was looking for.  They were separated by a long distance as he was working on shlichus in LA and she was working in NY.  Boruch Hashem they overcame all the distances, clarified their goals in life and got engaged. They are special people, very devoted to the Rebbe, who were patiently waiting for the right person to come.  May we always only share simchos!"

Shidduch #54:

Tammuz 5772 - July 2012
Shadchan: Yehudis Abramowitz

She writes: "As the shadchanit, I sent the girl's resume to the bachur. He looked at it and thought, "Do I want a girl who climbs mountains in Japan?"  I shared the bachur's profile with the girl.  She said, "Do I want a private eye who will snoop around the house and find my private stash of chocolate chip cookies?" It took a bit of convincing, but they finally got together!  The real picture is worth a thousand words.

Shidduch #53:

Sivan 5772 - June 2012
Shadchan: Yocheved Hershkowitz

There was incredible Hashgacha Pratis in how this shidduch was made.  I met the bochur through his profile and was in touch with him for several years.  The girl had come to Israel from Europe for a Shidduch proposal that did not work.  When it didn't, the parents of the girl started looking at other options and I was contacted by them and met her.  After meeting her I could tell that she was a great match for the bochur.  In less than 2 weeks from going out, they were engaged!

Shidduch #52:

Nissan 5772 - April 2012
Shadchan: Moshe Raichman

He writes: "The Chosson arrived in Israel from Australia and was looking for a Shidduch.  I made a few suggestions based on profiles on ChabadMatch.  Shortly thereafter he went out with the Kallah, and they got engaged!"

Shidduch #51:

Shevat 5772 - February 2012

A Shadchan suggested the Chosson to the Kallah based on both profiles on ChabadMatch, while she was going out with someone else.  Shortly thereafter the Kallah's Mashpia suggested the same name.  The profiles were looked into, they went out, and shortly thereafter got engaged!

Shidduch #50:

Kislev 5772 - December 2011
Shadchan: Daniel Hayman

He writes: "I asked the Kallah to send me a list of profiles that she was interested in from the site. She asked for more information on the Chosson.  Shortly thereafter they went out and got engaged!"

Shidduch #49:

Kislev 5772 - December 2011
Shadchan: Yehudis Abramowitz

She writes: "A young woman was working with me for over a year.  A number of suggestions were researched, but none of them resulted in a meeting.  Finally a ChabadMatch suggestion seemed to be more suitable than the others.  But it was an 'international' shidduch and the young man's passport had expired!  While the passport agency did its work, the couple spoke on the phone and finally met at a location between the two cities.  The rest is history!"

Shidduch #48:

Tishrei 5771 - October 2011
Shadchan: Chana Kupfer

She relates: "I knew both the Chosson and Kallah before seeing their profiles on ChabadMatch.  When I did a search and saw both profiles, I realized they could match and successfully set them up."

Shidduch #47:

Elul 5771 - September 2011
Shadchan: Pesach Glaser

He writes: "This was my first Shidduch using  I searched the ChabadMatch profiles using criteria specific to my friend's requirements.  I reviewed the profiles, made a few phone calls, and arranged a date.  Hashem took care of the rest, and the couple announced their engagement!"

Shidduch #46:

Av 5771 - August 2011
Shadchan: Miriam Lipchik

She writes: "A girl I was working with saw a profile on ChabadMatch that caught her attention, and sent it to me.  I contacted the boy who had just signed up and was not available at the time.  I called him back two months later, he was ready, flew to the East Coast, dated, and a match was made in heaven and earth!  They are perfect for each other!"

Shidduch #45:

Tammuz 5771 - July 2011
Shadchan: Leah Lipszyc

She writes: "The Kallah's family is on Shlichus in Israel and she is a friend of a friend.  I found the Chosson's profile on ChabadMatch, an American learning in Israel.  They soon became engaged!"

Shidduch #44:

Iyar 5771 - May 2011
Shadchan: Susan Shapiro

She writes: "The single's profile on ChabadMatch was convenient as a method of introducing her to potential matches, and in this case the match was a success!"

Shidduch #43:

Adar 5771 - March 2011
Shadchan: Atarah Guez

The Shadchan saw the Kallah's profile on the site and set her up with someone she knew.

Shidduch #42:

Shevat 5771 - January 2011
Shadchan: Moshe Raitman

He writes: "Boruch Hashem in the past 2 weeks alone I have been zocheh to facilitate in some capacity 4 shidduchim.  The most recent was Rosh Chodesh Shevat between a bochur who was listed on ChabadMatch and a girl.  Both had approached me through ChabadMatch and BH we now have reason to celebrate.  For anyone reading these success stories and wondering if they should post their profiles online, there is no doubt, by being proactive and allowing many others, including shadchanim and singles to view one's profile, the chances of finding one's zivug is tremendously increased."

Shidduch #41:

Kislev 5771 - November 2010
Shadchan: Daniel Hayman

Third ChabadMatch Shidduch in 3 Weeks!  Daniel recommended that the Chosson sign up on ChabadMatch.  Upon signing up, the Chosson forwarded to Daniel a profile that he was interested in.  After each side checked each other's profiles and references, they met in NY and went out until they got engaged.

Shidduch #40:

Kislev 5771 - November 2010
Shadchan: Channa Meyer

The Chosson contacted Channa who reviewed his profile and looked for a potential match.  She found one on the site and contacted the Kallah's mother.  Everything was setup via email and some phone calls to references.

Shidduch #39:

Cheshvan 5771 - October 2010
Shadchan: Elka Pinson

In August, the Chosson contacted the Shadchan by phone/email.  In September, the Kallah submitted her profile, and Elka immediately suggested it to the Chosson.  After a few phone conversations they met and soon thereafter became engaged.

Shidduch #38:

Tishrei 5771 - September 2010
Shadchan: Yonah Avtzon

The Shadchan was working with the Kallah for some time, and when he saw the Chosson's profile as soon as he signed up, it seemed like a great match, and they were set up.

Shidduch #37:

Elul 5770 - August 2010
Shadchan: Fraida Estrin

The Shadchan was working with the Kallah who lives locally.  The Shadchan is signed up to receive emails of new profiles that are added, and when she had a look at the profile of the Chosson, she felt it was a potential match for the Kallah.  Within a week, the Chosson travelled to Pittsburgh and they were engaged shortly thereafter.

Shidduch #36:

Menachem Av 5770 - July 2010
Shadchan: Shifra Gellman

Shifra noticed the profile of the Chosson on the site and set him up with a single from her community.

Shidduch #35:

Sivan 5770 - June 2010
Shadchan: Atarah Guez and Chana Kupfer

After seeing the Kallah's profile on ChabadMatch, the Shadchan set her up with someone she knew.

Shidduch #34:

Sivan 5770 - May 2010
Shadchan: Gitel Fogel

The Kallah submitted her profile on ChabadMatch and introduced herself to Mrs. Fogel via the site.  After about a year of working together, the Chosson's mother approached Mrs. Fogel to see if she had any ideas for her son.  She immediately thought of the Kallah and Boruch Hashem the Shidduch was a success.

Shidduch #33:

Iyar 5770 - May 2010
Shadchan: Susan Shapiro

The Shadchan had been working with the Kallah for a long time, when the Chosson's name came up.  The profile on ChabadMatch served useful as a method of presenting the information to the Kallah's family and vice versa.  Boruch Hashem it was a success.

Shidduch #32:

Iyar 5770 - April 2010
Shadchan: Daniel Hayman

The mother of the Kallah found a profile she was interested in on ChabadMatch.  She got in touch with the Shadchan who was working closely with the Chasan.  The Shadchan coordinated and followed up with the Chosson and Kallah until the Shiddduch was made.

Shidduch #31:

Teves 5770 - January 2010
Shadchan: Sara Shollar

Sara describes: "A request from an old and dear friend for help in finding a shidduch for her daughter prompted a visit to my favorite site where a name, with the help of the filters, quickly popped up.  The calls were made, the meetings took place, and the engagement was celebrated."

Shidduch #30:

Cheshvan 5770 - November 2009
Shadchan: Sara Shollar

The shidduch of the chosson's parents was one of the earliest for the shadchan.  The mother of the kallah, a shlucha (and former high school friend and sem-mate of the shadchan's eldest daughter), had no sooner posted her daughter's profile when she received an e-mail from the shadchan, followed by her future son-in-law's information.  And now, the future shluchim are busy with chassanah preparations.

Shidduch #29:

Cheshvan 5770 - November 2009
Shadchan: Sara Shollar

Having met and interviewed the future choson, the shadchan went to ChabadMatch to see who might match his needs.  One young lady (whose profile had recently been added) whom she knew stood out from the others.  The suggestion was made, research conducted, and the meeting took place.  The result: a beautiful couple about to establish a binyan adei ad.

Shidduch #28:

Menachem Av 5769 - July 2009
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg

Details to follow.

Shidduch #27:

Sivan 5769 - June 2009
Shadchan: Atara Guez

After seeing the Kallah's profile on Chabadmatch, the Shadchan set her up with someone she knew.

Shidduch #26:

Iyar 5769 - May 2009
Shadchan: Shandel Blassberg and Yonah Avtzon

Single signed up on ChabadMatch at the advice of a Shadchan.  The next day another Shadchan saw the profile, made a suggestion and the couple got engaged.

Shidduch #25:

Adar 5769 - March 2009

Details to Follow.

Shidduch #24:

Kislev 5769 - December 2008
Shadchan: Bracha Demarcur

Connecting two singles from different continents, Bracha suggested the profile, sent the details to the bochur, and the shidduch was made.

Shidduch #23:

Cheshvan 5769 - November 2008
Shadchan: Bracha Demarcur

Using ChabadMatch profiles without ever meeting them, Bracha in Montreal connected two singles: one from the U.S. and one from the UK.

Shidduch #22:

Tishrei 5769 - October 2008
Shadchan: Leah Lipszyc

Kallah saw the Chosson's limited profile and had a shadchan review it.  The shadchan passed references and the shidduch was made.

Shidduch #21:

Av 5768 - August 2008
Shadchan: Bracha Demarcur

Singles were discussed on the Shidduch Group conference call.  Bracha was on the call and mailed the profile of the Chosson.  The Kallah's parents reviewed the profile and the Shidduch was made.

Shidduch #20:

Sivan 5768 - June 2008
Shadchan: Hindy Brusowankin

The mother of the Bochur saw the Shadchan's name on the Shadchan list and contacted her as they are in the same state.  Upon reviewing the profile, the Shadchan knew she was right for the Kallah.  After doing the necessary research the shidduch was made successfully.

Shidduch #19:

Nisan 5768 - April 2008

Kallah was set up with a single on ChabadMatch.  It didn't work out but that single recommended his friend who did get engaged with the Kallah.

Shidduch #18:

Adar B 5768 - March 2008

This shidduch was accomplished through the singles working with references.

Shidduch #17:

Adar A 5768 - March 2008
Shadchan: Moshe and Ester Raichman

Kallah was a friend of Ester and the Chosson was a friend of Moshe.  Profiles matched and everything worked out!

Shidduch #16:

Tamuz 5767 - June 2007
Shadchan: Yossi Keller

First Shidduch of 35+ Single

Shidduch #15:

Tamuz 5767 - June 2007
Shadchan: Bracha Demarcur

Details to follow.

Shidduch #14:

Tamuz 5767 - June 2007
Shadchan: Bracha Demarcur

Details to follow.

Shidduch #13:

Iyar 5767 - April 2007
Shadchan: Sara Shollar

Details to follow.

Shidduch #12:

Nissan 5767 - April 2007

The mother of the Kallah did a search on ChabadMatch and found the profile of a bochur she had previously been interested in.  She contacted the references and the Shidduch was made!

Shidduch #11:

Nissan 5767 - March 2007
Shadchan: Rabbi Yonah Avtzon

The mother of the Kallah referred her daughter's profile to Rabbi Avtzon who immediately came up with a successful match.

Shidduch #10:

Adar 5767 - March 2007

This shidduch was accomplished through the singles working with references.

Shidduch #9:

Adar 5767 - March 2007
Shadchan: Fraydi Silverman

The parents of the Kallah did a search and found an appropriate single, and contacted the single's Shadchan to set everything up.

Shidduch #8:

Adar 5767 - March 2007
Shadchan: Fraidel Estrin

The mother of the Kallah signed her daughter on ChabadMatch.  After reviewing our Shadchan list she contacted Fraidel Estrin who arranged the Shidduch.

Shidduch #7:

Adar 5767 - February 2007
Shadchan: Bracha Demarcur

Shidduch #6:

Shevat 5767 - February 2007
Shadchan: Bracha Demarcur

She writes: "The Kallah is the daughter of a friend I was looking out for in ChabadMatch.  The first choice I found was perfect, it was so easy having all the details listed and searchable in the database."

Shidduch #5:

Shevat 5767 - January 2007
Shadchan: Yossi Keller

He writes: "The Kalloh's name first came to my attention when I was busy setting up my first Shidduch about a year ago; I have spoken to the kalloh's mother many times. After signing up as a Shadchan on ChabadMatch, the Chosson contacted me expressing his interest in a shidduch; I met the Chosson in person when he flew in from Australia and the rest is history.  It was so much easier because the boy's information and references were on hand on the ChabadMatch sight."

Shidduch #4:

Shevat 5767 - January 2007
Shadchan: Chanie Brand

She writes: "Helping my Seminary students find shidduchim is something that gives me great pleasure.  Within a short time of signing up to ChabadMatch I was Boruch Hashem able to to arrange a shidduch for my student.  It was so much easier because the boys' reference and shliach was a shlucha who was in seminary years ago - so we were able to work it out very smoothly."

Shidduch #3:

Teves 5767 - December 2006
Shadchan: Yehudis Wisnefsky

This success story is a very unusual one.  In the case of both singles, I (the Shadchan) was connected to their families.  I had met each of them in their homes or at family simchas and considered who I might know to be appropriate.  When one of them came to Eretz Yisroel from the U.S. for shidduch purposes, I got involved.  The easy access of information and references on the ChabadMatch website were extremely helpful in putting ideas together.  When I saw both singles on the site, I immediately was able to try out the option and arrange their meeting.  I personally find the pictures to be a helpful addition in getting a sense of compatibility.  B'soros Tovos!

Shidduch #2:

Kislev 5767 - December 2006
Shadchan: Rabbi Akiva Perl

The Kallah is originally from Texas and did a partial search of the database that she passed on to the Shadchan.  After reviewing the different results, a bochur from California seemed to be a good match.  As the Kallah is currently helping a Shliach in New York and living in Crown Heights, the Chosson flew there for the dates.  In no time the Shidduch was successfully made connecting Texas and California in Crown Heights.

Shidduch #1:

Cheshvan 5767 - October 2006
Shadchan: Rabbi Gershon Grossbaum
Maschil: Rabbi Akiva Perl

Our first Shidduch.  The Shadchan was working on a Shidduch for the Kallah and came across the profile of the Chosson.  This Shidduch connected 2 children of Shluchim from Eretz Yisroel and the U.S.